Chapter 11: The Recovery

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It had only been a few days since Cedric woke up. I spent every minute I could with him. I read the Bridge to Terabithia aloud to him to pass the time. We would be able to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow. It's been nice being in the hospital with him now that he's woken up. There were no other medical emergencies or anything and he was doing fine. We got to spend lots of time together and we didn't have to worry about school or anything. I was sitting in the hospital bed next to Cedric reading when we heard healers start to enter. I quickly scoot off the bed into the chair next to it and look like I've been reading there. We have gotten scolded for being in the bed next to Cedric since they aren't designed for two people, so whenever they come I quickly move.

"So we have decided that tomorrow Cedric can go back to Hogwarts!" a healer says

"Spectacular" I say

"Excellent" Cedric says.

The healers leave and McGonagall comes in. She is staying somewhere near the hospital while we are here. She looks happy to be going back to Hogwarts. I feel bad that she has had to stay but we won't be able to get back without her.

"We will be leaving tomorrow morning promptly at ten o'clock" she says

"Excellent" I say

"Spectacular" says Cedric. I look at him and laugh softly. McGonagall seems confused but it doesn't matter. "Next time let's both say excellent ok love?" Cedric laughs before kissing the back of my hand.

"Deal" I say through laughing

"You two," McGonagall says before leaving.

After she leaves I wait a minute to make sure she is gone. I climb back in the bed and Cedric wraps his arms around me. He's gotten a lot stronger. Yesterday I took him for a walk around the hospital. I picked up my book to read again when I got a better idea.

"Ced?" I say

"Yes darling?"

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I ask

"Sure one of my friends sent clothes so I'm going to change first." he goes to the washroom and changes. He comes out in jeans, a loose fitting t-shirt and a light jacket. He had used my brush to brush his hair out a little.

"Ready now?" I ask with a soft laugh

"Yep" he takes my hand and we walk out. "Just going for a walk Professor"

"Okay be back soon though" McGonagall says

I led him out the hospital doors. I want to take a walk outside, not just around the hospital. The wind blew slightly in the fresh summer air. Many muggles crowded the streets and sidewalks. We started walking around the block when I saw an ice cream shop ahead.

"Up for some ice cream princess?" Cedric read my mind

"You read my mind" I waited a second before saying "race ya!" and bolt off

"Last one there has to pay!" I hear Cedric shout

I'm almost at the shop when Cedric passes me. He gets there before me but acts like he was there a long time. I laugh and catch my breath.

"It's been ages, how slow are you?" he teases

"Hey your the one on the quidditch team here" I laugh

"I'm also the one who has been in a coma for eight days" he chuckles "yet I still beat you"

"fine I'll pay"

We go inside and look through the endless flavors. It takes me forever but I finally decide on a mint chocolate chip small cone. Cedric gets the same but with cookie dough ice cream.

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