❅ Chapter Thirty-One: Special

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It was at the auditorium where Jaemin gets a surprise visit from none other than, Jeno.

He was called to come and help with a few things there: cleaning, rearranging, and etcetera. And it was just great timing he was in a good mood to be mister nice guy.

Working with decent people was a bonus as well. None of them bothered him if he's being honest. Sure there were those who fooled around, but they don't drag Jaemin in to their shenanigans.

It was a good day. He doesn't get that a lot.

He wasn't in a bad mood even since this morning– only because both Yuta and Mark left early for something.

Which was really saving his sanity after several weeks.

The day got even better (somehow) when Jeno runs in, eyes scanning the huge room before they crinkle into crescent moons when they set on Jaemin.

Carefully walking over to him, excusing himself as he almost gets pushed when two boys were chasing each other instead of doing their tasks.

"Hi!" Jaemin couldn't help but smile at the beaming boy in front of him. "Uh, do you have a minute?" Glancing at the teacher in charge who's giving instructions.

"Kind of having a break," Jaemin replies with a heavy exhale following after. "Why?"

"Yeeun noona wanted to ask if you were up for a double date." Jeno doesn't hesitate to say, and it is very clear he is already excited for it even though Jaemin hasn't answered him yet.

"Double date... Now? After school?" Jaemin asks, pointing down on the ground as he emphasizes.

Nodding enthusiastically, Jeno takes his hand and squeezes it showing off how excited he truly is. "Yeah!"

But soon, the sparkle in his eyes start to fade as a frown appears on his lips replacing his usual sweet smile. "Unless you're busy... Which is totally fine, we can reschedule, hyung!"

In other circumstances, Jaemin would've took that offer and brutally tell the person that he isn't interested on that dumb idea.

But seeing Jeno like this again, supposedly a rare sight, it pulls some strings on Jaemin's heart. "I'm not busy." He quickly states.

Jeno peers up through his long lashes, blinking furiously as if the Jaemin in front of him isn't real. "Are you sure...? You don't have to lie–"

"I'm not lying," Jaemin cuts him off. "I really am free after school, so I don't see why not."

Again, in a different situation, Jaemin wouldn't have give in to this regardless of his schedule.

He would have lied in front of their faces, lock himself in his house or do anything to get away from the person like they're the plague.

This is oddly different.

His loud and chaotic thoughts were set aside once Jeno smiles brightly at him again. Couldn't stop himself from squealing as he hugs Jaemin tightly.

"Thank you, hyung! I'll see you later then!" Shamelessly kissing his cheek, Jeno waves him goodbye before skipping off.

Jaemin takes a deep breath for a moment, fingers tightly gripping on the broom he was holding. Clearing his throat, he then shakes his head and goes back to helping.

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