❅ Chapter Twenty-Two: For What?

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"Noona, why do you have to be there when Jaemin hyung picks me up?" Jeno asks in pure curiosity.

"Just making sure." His elder sister replies briefly, hands in her pockets as she has her chin up while walking, making her have that confident and powerful aura.

"Making sure of what?"

"I'm going to give Jaemin a little reminder before heading off, that's all." Yeeun cuts him off with a small smile as she glances at him.

Jeno raises a brow at her in return but doesn't dare to question his elder sister more. Matching with her steps as he couldn't wait to see his fiancé.

Yeeun eyes Jaemin intently once she sees him getting out of his car to greet them.

The ravenette boy seems to be unbothered with her now as he didn't look nervous at all, glancing at her way briefly before focusing on Jeno.

It was plainly obvious how Yeeun's eyes harden when Jeno gets pulled into Jaemin's arms, the blond haired boy blushing madly as he greets his fiancé with a shy 'hi'.

It's not like Yeeun forbids Jeno to ever fall in love or to at least like someone more than as a friend.

She's just.... Not used to it.

This is all new to her too, and it doesn't really help when Jeno's first relationship or possible love life is in an arranged marriage with someone they barely know of.

So of course she's overreacting, she practically doesn't know how to protect her younger brother to what extent.

She didn't really plan anything other than being pushy.

Jeno's words really clicked on her last night this time around. At first, she thought her younger brother is just being naive and delusional.

Or what she sometimes calls him as a joke (because they're close siblings), an idiot. As mean as it sounds.

But when she asked one of the most important questions to Jeno last night, to which got a very positive reply with no hesitation, she took a breath and decided to let loose about this agreement.

"You didn't buy him flowers?" She spoke up randomly, gaining their attention.

Jaemin blinks at her before calmly responding, "I'm taking him to a flower field, we're having a picnic there."

Hearing that, Jeno gasps and squeals in excitement. "Are we really, hyung?!" Asking to make sure Jaemin isn't kidding around.

Getting a nod from the elder boy, he smiles with glee, eyes sparkling as he stares at Jaemin in deep awe.

Of course it didn't miss Yeeun's eyes, it's quite obvious for strangers too.

So instead of letting out a rude or annoyed remark to Jaemin, she nods curtly as she then says, "just bring him back home safely."

Meeting him in the eyes, she flashes him a cold look. "Or I won't hesitate to report you to my dad."

There's a high chance Jeno wouldn't do anything if he sees nothing intentional with it, merely excusing it as an "accident" to defend Jaemin.

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