❅ Chapter Twenty: Sweet Little Target

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Hi... Holy shit it's been two months since I had updated this story....

I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting, I'm sure no one's reading this anymore though or has forgotten about it lmao.

But I guess I'll just try to make it work–

To whoever is reading this... How are you? And why–

Lol just kidding, if you're still here reading this and waiting patiently or impatiently (doesn't matter) for an update, thank you.

Truly, thank you so much. I hope to see you more often, especially until the end of this story 🤍

I will try not to disappoint, if so, more.

"I had another weird dream last night!" Mark announces as he stares at his peers, as if waiting for some sort of reaction.

"Look, Markie–"

"Don't fucking call me that." The said boy hisses.

Frowning, Yuta brushes it off and continues what he was about to say regardless of Mark's odd hostility towards him.

"I'm too jetlagged from my assignment earlier this morning, can we please talk about this later?"

"Fine, if you're not going to listen–"

"I didn't say I didn't want to listen. I–"

"Anyways, Jaemin? Surely you will listen, right?" Mark's gaze set on the raven haired boy who was finishing up his breakfast.

Not fazed my Mark's hopeful yet also desperate gaze on him, Jaemin shrugs his shoulders in nonchalance. "What does this have to do with the main point?"

His question has Mark pondering in thought, having Jaemin rolling his eyes in response. "See? It's not too important right now, is it."

"But it is important!" Mark protests, trying to gain their full on attention.

Damn, he didn't realize how difficult it was to explain his story nowadays.

Maybe because to Yuta and Jaemin, Mark is just being utterly weird and is not in his A-Game recently.

He has been trying to talk about these 'weird dreams' he has been getting for the past few months.

Either in the morning or just after he had gotten some sort of sleep.

However, as much as he dreamt about it, it all still felt confusing for him.

As ridiculous as it sounds, he doesn't quite get it yet. They all look similar, as if the scenes that are playing in his thoughts are connected.

But it was still blurry and muffled. Like he was half conscious; which he is, in reality. But in his dream, he is also half conscious.

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