❅ Chapter Nineteen: Blatantly Obvious

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Notes at the end of the chapter :›

"We saw you last week," Jaemin flinches on his seat, slightly choking on his coffee as he places the mug back down on the table.

He turns his head to see Shotaro by the end of the stairs holding a black bag. Still in a fit of cough, he manages to croak out, "specifically where?"

"Where else? The arcade." Shotaro rolls his eyes at the end.

Quirking a brow at him, Jaemin asks back, "why were you at the arcade? Now don't ask me the same question when you probably already know why." He strictly adds with a finger pointed at him.

Shotaro pushes his tongue against his inner cheek and answers him, "I didn't really have an assignment that day, so Sir Suh sent me to check up on you."

"Why not ask Yuta or Mark? I'm not the only one who was given this assignment." Jaemin sassily says with a bit of annoyance laced in his tone.

Shotaro only shrugs his shoulders, "something about them unavailable to cooperate, but Mark did say he didn't really know what your plan was that day."

"How could- was it not blatantly obvious enough? Like, come on." Jaemin sighs deeply whilst pinching the bridge of his nose.

Shotaro stares at him, a little bored but he stays anyway to hear what else Jaemin has to ramble to him.

If he comes back with less info, he's not getting assigned to anything for the next two days.

"What were you even doing?" He couldn't help but ask in confusion.

Well- it's kind of his fault since he wasn't really paying attention if he was being honest with you.

Jaemin peers over to where he was before pursing his lips, "I was making a move on Jeno, took him out on a surprise date and all that romantic bullshit."

"Okay that's a good plan but..." Shotaro trails off a little, Jaemin then realizes the teasing tone he's using and mentally prepares himself.

"An arcade date? Really?"

Jaemin rolls his eyes at the look he's getting and snaps back to defend himself, "his elder sister, Yeeun, told me to bring him there."

When Shotaro was still looking at him flatly, he clicks his tongue. "At least he still enjoyed it, I even got him a stuff animal as a prize gift, to which he wanted by the way."

"So if that's not a well played 'manipulating your target into falling in love with you' plan, then give me a better idea I'll use next time."

It was then Shotaro raised both his hands up, dropping the bag in the process ignoring the loud thud when it hits the ground as if he had just been caught committing a crime.

"Alright, man. Calm down, jeez." He mutters, "you don't need to prove to me how great you can be when I already know it." He praises at the end.

Although, it has Jaemin shaking his head at him in response. "Just get out of here already and report back to Sir Suh." He waves him off with a lazy hand.

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