Chapter 14

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Alpha Ashton McClain

Walking in the warehouse, I bypassed the different rogue wolves training or goofing off. It surprised me how a bunch of them were under the control of a single woman. A witch at that.

Our kind must be really growing smaller if we have to relay on a witch to lead us. I suppose it doesn't matter since this group of flea bags are under the control of a witch. They are the poorest excuse for dogs anyway.

Walking in the back room, where the brat was being kept, I noticed him huddle in a corner of the room.


From what I heard, they had to slapping a couple times to keep him quiet and to stop him from trying to escape. He had a weak father if he shut up after being hit a few times. That sounds about right. That low life was weak, and his brat is even weaker.

I walked passed the boy, heading over to the witch. She was in a conversation with one of her men. I couldn't believe she was this hot and was single. Oh well.

"What's the next phase in the plan, Witch?"

She turned to me, flashing me a sweet smile. If I haven't found my mate, I like to think I would have made her my new favor of the week. I'm getting tired of Maximum's mate anyway.

"The last phase before the end." She looked to one of her men. "Bring him."

I watched in curiosity as she was handed a hand blade that were engraved with some strange writing. She looked at me, as if pondering something, and than she held the blade out for me to take.

"Care to do the honors?"

Studying the weapon, I shrugged and took it. "I've done worst." The boy was brought, and I went to him. Kneeling, I grinned in his face. "You be nice and behave." I went to touch him, and instead I felt his sharp little teeth biting into my hand.

"The little bastard bit me!" I groaned and slapped the brat. Standing to my feet, I looked at my hand to see he had drawn blood.

"It's almost time, McCain. After this, she will be running into your arms."

"Bring him."

I watched as fear made the boy's eyes widen. I watched the boy squirm in the arms of his captive. I watched him cry out as he seen the blade. And I listened in joy as the child called out for help.

The feeling of hearing the brat of Lady's beta made me felt in better than I expected. Oh, yes. Yes. I can't wait until my mate sees this. I'm sure this will get the message across more than anything else.

Alpha Lady Luna

It was the second day. The second day that my son hasn't been rocked to sleep nor have he eaten. What's worst is no one can find him. Not the witches. Nor the vampires. Not even the werewolves.

This was driving me crazy.

"Boss!" Blac came running into the living room. I was staring at a map of this town while Santana and the others were discussing possible places a child could be hidden and who was possibly behind the kidnapping.

In Blac's hand was an small box. Right away, I went to him, taking the box from his hands. In a rush, Blac said the box carried my son's scent and that he found the box near the house. He went on to explain that he send a few others out to search the area for the intruder who left a lingering scent.

I couldn't hear much of that as I was tearing open the box. What I found was something no mother ever wants to see in their life.

In the box was a finger and a note that said:

By midnight tonight, the boy dies.

His finger...

Particularly, his index finger.

They cut off my son's finger.

I felt sick to my stomach. I must have been wobbling, for I felt Santana's hands on me, keeping me upright. The others had gathered around to see what had caused me to almost faint.

I'm out of time. I have to find him right now or ...

"Can you track him through his finger?" I asked the witch. Santana took the box from me, and handed it off to Aneca.

"It's possible but know that it's been way over six hours, the life energy is probably gone." She told me, taking the box.

That did it. This wasn't happening to me. No. Starting at her, I struggled to hold in the rage that wanted to eat me alive in. "You mean to tell me that we can't put his finger back on?"

"Yes. Restitching a missing limb is a very time based thing. But it's the index finger so he'll do without it. Not most people understand that."

"Are you serious? Are you really telling me that-right now? Because I gotta say, I feel like breaking someone's neck right now!"

I felt Santana's hands wrapping around me. "You need to calm down. Right now."

"Just find him." Pushing out of his arms, I headed out of the living room.

"Yes, Alpha."

I was outside when I heard my mate's voice. It wasn't his usual cheery tone, but one that was calm. Collected yet firm. A gleam of the strong man beneath all that playful behavior.

"Lady, you need to come down."

"How can I calm down Santana when they are cutting parts off our son?"

"I get ya, but getting all worked isn't going to do nothing."

I could feel the tears tinkering behind her eyelids. Images of Casper flashed in my mind. The first time I've met my son. His first words. His first everything played before my eyes like a video. I felt the tears before I felt them. Hot and wet against my face.

Santana wrapped his arms around me, hugging me close to his heart. He held me while I cried. I was sure his shirt was soaked, but he never complained nor did he stopped me. He just stayed quiet while I cried. Once I had calmed down enough, I mumbled an apology or what sounded more like a bunch of mashed words. He kissed me on my forehead before pulling back, holding onto one of my hands.

"Let's search together," he told me. I couldn't help but smile and nod in agreement. Together, we went in search of our son.

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