Chapter 12

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Alpha Lady Luna

Since I had no classes today, I woke with the sun. Not like I had much sleep anyway. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Casper in all kinds of trouble. His kidnappers doing all kinds of things to make him cry.

Finding my child before anyone could put their hands on him was at the forefront of my head.

Isis fell into quiet steps behind me, but neither one of us spoke a word. Everyone order was given late into the night, therefore everyone knew their job.

We were coming closer to McCain's territory.

"While I go in there, I want you to look around. Maybe gather something on this guy."

Isis nods once.


Ashton McCain emerges from a ring of his pack members. Their curious gazes moves to rest on me with their alpha's acknowledgement of my presence. "And what brings you to my home?"

"I want permission to search you territory, McCain." I didn't miss the amused twinkle, flicking in his eyes, as he stops just outside my personal space.

"For?" His tone held curiosity, but the arching of his eyebrows told me he knew what for, or at least, had a guess.

"My son, as you know. He is missing."

"Yes. You accused me of having your son." There was a bite of bitterness toward the end of his sentence.

"You have my apologies." I don't know how, but I managed to keep the anger out of my tone for I went on to complete the apology. "In my unsteady state, I wrongfully accused you of taking my son."

Ashton seem to consider my words, judging by the minute pause. He rotates his neck in a slow circle."Not sure if I want to accept that apology or not."

"Can I search your land or not?"

With a drawn out groan, a grin spreads across Ashton's face. "Hmm, granted." He held up one finger. His eyes gleaming with a dark merry. "On one condition."

His smile seem to grow with the death glare, I threw his way. Unhooking my right thumb from my Jean hoop, I mirrored the gesture. If he was going to treat me like I was one of his subjects, I was going to treat him in the same manner. "I'm not going to kiss, grope, or have sex with you, Ashton."

"And that wasn't my request." A chuckle follows. "Not yet anyway." He adds with a teasing taunt.


"The condition is: I join you in the search." He covers his chest with his palm, while making some signal with his other, directed back at the group he left behind. The individuals immediately breaking up, going their in their own direction.

At least, now I don't have to ask him. "Alright."

"Alright."He nods his head slightly, and adds: "Ladies first."


"We got off on the wrong foot." Ashton says after we've been walking for a good twenty minutes without conversation.

"No, you approached me thinking I was suppose to submit to you just because you got mad over my boyfriend hugging me."

"If I remember correctly. You are my mate."

"No, I was your mate."

"Not married, officially. I can't really say I can't see why."

Slowing my steps, I faces Ashton, reluctantly. I knew he was provoking me on purpose, but what I couldn't figure out was the reason behind it.

"Because I can."

There was no way, I was going to discuss my relationship with Santana with him. "Was that suppose to offend me?"

"If the shoe fits. But for real, you do come off as the alpha male type."

"Again. Am I suppose to be offered?"

"You are strong-willed. Everything my mate should be."

"I rejected you. Therefore, I am not your mate."

The growl came abruptly just in sync with his grip. The squeezing pressure of his hand around my neck was one that wasn't suffocating, yet it definitely had my grabbing his wrist.

"You. Are. Mine. My mate."

Oh, he thinks he can dominate him. The teasing tone in my subconscious was, in a lack of words, surprising. I could feel the stirring deep within me.

He was so close, despite his deadly grip around my neck. His scent of strong masculinity call out to me, making my scents analysis Ashton McCain closer.

Something about his voice. Yes, that deep voice of his spoke to the woman in me. I could feel his power. He really would make an amazing partner.

"I knew it"-His lips stretches into a winning smile-"You crave me. And soon you will submit to me and forget about that pitiful excuse of the boyfriend you call, mate."

That was it.

"No. Ashton. I am not."I could feel the power shifting within me. The woman within me refusing to give in to a controlling man.

"Release me. Now."

Alpha Ashton McClain

There it was again.

That strange sensation!

What is this?

My mate. It's coming from her.

I remember her using this on me before. Stopping me from claiming her, and than I had that ugly the forest.

Narrowing my eyes, I couldn't have wanted this any more than I wanted her, but to slap her for this-this-mind control. Yea. That's what it was.

My hands seem to loosen on their own accord. My human half had already taken a backseat, just where he belongs.

But this woman, my mate. Just what the hell is she?

Her right hand was wrapped around her neck trying to soothe the pain my hands left behind. Her expression furious. Those round eyes of hers glares me like I was the worst man on Earth. Figures.

Women needed to be taught who their superiors were. My mate obviously wasn't an exception.

"You will not do that again."

This was funny. Laughing probably wasn't the best way to gain favors with my mate, but was she seriously trying to order me. Yea right.

"Maybe not now, baby doll."

"You're going to pay for everything you did."

"O?" I crosses my arms over my chest. "Just what did I do?"

The strong emotions swirling in her eyes had me laughing even more. On the inside anyway.

"Do you have my son? Answer me."


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