Chapter 20

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Beta Santana Vasquez

"That was almost me."

I was breathing hard and starting at the large hole in front of me. A few minutes ago, another bomb when off from inside the warehouse. I happened to be tackled to the ground by Cloud before I had my head blown off.

I got to my feet, thanking Cloud. In front of me, a large hold was in the side of the building.

"I know they had bombs so close to their hideout." Cloud said walking forward.

Ceaser put a hand on my shoulder. "Tried to warn ya."

"That was a warning?"

Ceaser and the rest my team were chasing after the witch. She had managed to escape me. While we were fighting, she casted some sort of gas spell that had all of us coughing.

I was so close to taking her down too. She's the very caused of all this mess anyway. I wasn't sure it was her in the beginning until after I saw that first letter.

I couldn't tell Lady. She would have went out in search of the witch by herself. We didn't know what that witch was capable of, and I wasn't really to lost my baby mama.

What I didn't expect was a bomb to go off right when we reached the building. Ceaser had shouted something right before we reached the building, but me being me: I was so focused that I fail to realize the danger until the last minute. Luckily, I was able to get out of the way.

"I did say look out," said Ceaser while he walked in front of me. We were on the right side of the building.

The bomb had created a huge hole in the side of the building. Stepping over both wooden and metal pieces, I peered inside.

The place was bigger than I thought. While the outside looked like crap, the inside looked like an open room area. Magic definitely had to play a part in all of this. What I couldn't understand was why McClain was working with her. She must had promised him something.

Alpha Lady Luna

"I heard him over this way."

My son, I heard the cry of my son. We were so close now that I've spotted a rogue holding my son. The rogue had scooped my son up and was running toward the building, disappearing inside. We gave chase.

I heard Casper calling for me once we had made it inside. It was dark inside the warehouse. The part we enter in was one large room, but I didn't pay much attention to that because I was focused on getting to my son. We followed behind the rogue, but as he turned a corner, another bomb goes off somewhere behind us. The ground shook under our feet. The sound brought the group to a hasty stop.

"You heard that?" Blac asked looking back.

"Yea. It sounded like another bomb." Haven nodded her head.

"We can't worry about that now. Group B are handling that end. Focus everyone." I made a gesture and my teammates split off in different directions. I had followed after the rogue when a familiar stench came to me. Then I hear a deep laughter. From out of the shadows came Ashton.

Aston is standing ahead by a few steps. Maximum stood just behind his alpha, his eyes betraying the anger there.

"McClain. You were the one to take my son."

"No. A bunch of rogues did." He made a gesture and the werewolf holding my son came to his side. "I've only agreed to give a gorgeous witch a bunch of souls and break up your so-called pack."

"You can't trust that witch, McClain."

My gaze darted between him and my son. My son had his right hand covered in bandages. He looked dirty, and the most depressed look was on his face. No doubt he was hungry, tried, and wanted his mama.

I had to get to him.

"You should give up. Give up and become mine."

"I want my son now."

"This pitiful excuse for a pup." He made another hand gesture and the werewolf took off with my son running pass the alpha.

I started after the rogue only to have Ashton block my pack.

"I wouldn't."

In the distance, I heard the running of many footsteps. From the depths of my mind, I could feel Santana and the others. They were coming. From the looks of things, it seem that McClain's pack had stopped fighting us all together and we're actually on our side. They must be coming our way because I could smell their scent mixed with my pack.

"And what about your pack, McClain?"

"My pack will do whatever I say. I rule them." He placed his right hand over his chest. "The only thing that matters right now is getting you." A sinister smile appeared on his face. "The things I plan to do to you, Lady."

I felt disgusted by the way he was looking at me. "You're crazy, Ashton."

"You know that's the second time someone has told me that. Maybe I am. But I will have you one way or another."

"No, you won't Ashton," came Maximum's voice. "This ends today. You no longer has controlled of your pack. I do."

Ashton turned around, facing his beta. "I always knew you would be the one to try to fight me."

"I won't have to fight you, if you just give up the alpha position." Maximum took a step forward.

Ashton started laughing. He laughed loudly for a good few minutes. "I can't believe this is really happening. This is funny. So funny. My beta wishing to take my pack from me right when I'm just about have his Luna in my bed."

The footsteps grew closer.

"And look!" His gaze when passed me to the crowd of werewolves coming our way. "My pack isn't fighting the enemy anymore."

"That's because they know you are working with rogues." Maximum narrowed his eyes. "I told them all the true about you McClain."

"How enlightening." Ashton chuckled once more right before the crowd came to a stop just behind me.

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