Chapter 2

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Alpha Aston McClain

The second I walked through the double door of Ravenswood College, Maximus walked straight toward me. His hand held high, only to come crashing into mine in our greeting hand slap.

"AYE HOE!! Did you hear we're getting a few newbies? I asked my cousin Ramon, who asked his mate, Clara, the guidance counselor, who they were. And she said they were foreigners from South America or something."

Continuing down the hall, I walked toward the first class of my long day. "Maximus, I swear you sound like a chick with all the gossiping you do."

My best friend gasped in outrage. "How dare you insult my manliness with your tomfoolery" he accused a notch of two too loud. I rolled my eyes in irritation.

My head felt foggy like the first time I heard all the voices of my pack members, and I was feeling this unusual bizarre feeling. "Dude, you're gay"

"Don't act like you don't want all-a-this" he said and gesturing towards his manhood.

I groaned. Why is he my beta? "I hope the lil female humans are hot" I smirked at the thought of taking their innocence and making them my personal sex slaves.

Maximus folded his hand behind his head, and went on to look straight ahead of himself. "You're a sex crazed addict"

What the fuck?

'And you left your thoughts open, Mr. ALL-mighty Alpha"

'Maximus' I growled, coming to a complete stop, turning to face him, with every attempt to bite his head off. I don't like people invading my thoughts.

'YES' he replied sheepishly, "But you left your mind completely unguarded"

I growled once more. Maximus unfolded his heads from behind his back, and cocked an eyebrow at me. I turned from him. "Lucky I still need you"

"We're best friends. What can ya say" He resumed walking beside me.

Alpha Lady Luna

"Oh hello darlin', you must be Lady, I presume. " A middle aged, brunette woman says warmly upon seeing me and the others approaching her desk. "Haha your name is so odd, yet cute and your so beautiful" She goes on to say in an almost amazed, carefree tone. I couldn't help, but think she seem like such a nice woman. Behind me, I heard Santana and a few others snicker lowly as the school's guidance counselor gushed over me. I immediately snapped my fingers, causing them to straighten up.

Taken a quick glance at her name tag, I nodded my head in agreement. " Yes, Mrs, Lennox. I am Lady Luna. I was told by my grandmother you have our schedules ready." I replied to the cocoa brown brunette. She brighten and scrambled around on her desk to find our printed schedules.

'Omigod I love your accent! " She exclaimed while she grouped together several papers, only to hand them to me. "Here you go, Miss. Luna-schedules for all of you. Hope you have a wonderful year at Ravenswood College and feel free to come back and chat! " I gave her a simple nod in return as I handed each of my packs members their schedules.

I could sense her amazement and curiosity as she watched my pack make a path for me to cut through them before closing the gap and following me.

"From my understanding each of you have at least three classes with someone."

I addressed my group. We were standing out in the hallway, myself in the center. " I don't know who so I will advice you to swap schedules and find out. Since most of you are freshmen and sophomores, I don't expect to see you as much. One of you will be with me all the tim-'

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