Moonwake 2 ✨

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(A/N): Hello again babes!!! I'm here with a second part to 'Moonwake'! I just couldn't help myself lol. This is probably poorly edited so excuse any errors hehe! I won't keep you any longer, enjoy <33

I stared at the edge of the pier with hesitation and growing fear. The branches and leaves of the willow trees swayed above me bringing me brief comfort. Whatever was in the water last night was still in the water now. Now that the sun was out, I could see its features clearer. Its skin was pale like moonlight, the only coloring visible were the slightly dark circles around its bright white eyes. As I finally stepped onto the pier, those eyes followed my every move.

With each step I took, it swam backward. Its face was visible from the nose up, but the dark water allowed nothing past that. As I made it to the edge of the pier, it swam around the corner so that we were in front of each. I sat down cautiously making sure to keep a reasonable distance between us.

I stared into the void white eyes of this foreign creature as more questions came to mind. Finally, I found the courage to ask one of them. "What are you?", I whispered into the air. The silence that followed my words was unforgiving, and I feared I'd upset it. Still, I pressed on. "Can you speak?", I spoke a bit louder than before. More silence followed and my courage began waning by the second. Slowly, it swam closer to the peer and my heartbeat increased with every centimeter lost between us. I watched with careful eyes as it placed two webbed hands on the oak planks in front of me and lifted itself from the water partially.


As more of it came into view, my fear was replaced with curiosity and awe. Aside from the white eyes, pale skin, and gills on the side of its neck, it looked like any other bipedal male. "Where's the old woman? You remind me of her.", a deep voice inquired calmly. It took me a moment to realize that the voice was coming from the humanoid in the water. "What? Do you... do you mean my grandmother?", I replied while moving closer to the edge. It tilted its head and answered, "The woman who smelled of lavender.".

My heart jolted in my chest as memories of that same lavender scent filled my mind. I blinked away tears and nodded, "Yes! That's her, but how did you know her?". Finally, it averted its eyes to stare into the blackened lake water. It moved a pale hand from the pier to stir it with gentle fingertips. I could tell it was reluctant to answer. Just as I thought to change the subject, its reply came. "I don't know how long I've been out here, but I do know that it's been a long while.", it said in a low, calm voice, "I have seen many come and go, but your grandmother was the gentlest of them all. She would come here at all hours of the day to hear me sing. She said it brought her peace.".

As I listened, any doubt that the woman it was referring to wasn't my grandma disappeared. She loved music, but more than that she loved mystery and adventure. And that's exactly what this creature was. I frowned remembering that it hadn't answered my first question. "You never told me what you are.", I stated. Its eyes flickered from the water back to me.

"Some have called me a spirit, others have called me a monster.", it answered while lifting a hand to examine it in the sunlight. I tilted my head at the vagueness in its words. "Then what do you call yourself?", I inquired while subconsciously scooting closer to the edge of the pier. It seemed to think for a moment before dropping its hands back to the splintering wood and focusing on me. "My name was Danny. Before I drowned in this damned lake as a boy, that is.", it replied with an air of spite.

At that moment, all the air in my body left me. This had once been a human boy. A boy that lived and breathed and walked on two legs. Somehow, he'd become this creature after dying in the unforgiving clutches of this very lake. Now, he was probably bound to it for the rest of eternity. As I thought more on it, guilt washed over me for assuming he was a monster when maybe that wasn't the case.

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