From Me To You 💗

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(A/N): Yes, I'm back and yes I'm a week late but when am I not lol! No worries though, I have about two more stories written and edited for the next to weeks. I don't wanna hold you any longer than I have to, but I have a small warning for this chapter. This chapter contains TOOTH ROTTING, DIABETES INDUCING, BONE DECAYING FLUFF!! That is all, enjoy :)))))

You couldn't stand people spending money on you, but the only thing you didn't like more was people giving you gifts. Maybe it was a response from your childhood or something, but the thought of someone spoiling you just sort of made you uncomfortable. That's why you slightly dreaded your husband's homecoming today. He'd been gone for a solid three weeks on an incredibly stressful business trip. Every night he facetimed you he seemed more and more tired, so you desperately wanted him back here in comfort to rest. However, you knew his routine whenever he came home. He'd buy you some kind of gift when he was away and surprise you with it when he crossed the threshold.

You glanced at your clock while running your hands under warm water. Danny would be home any minute now, his dinner was prepared and waiting for him. With a sigh, you shook off the excess water on your hands and dried them on your apron before removing the apron completely. As you exited the kitchen, the sound of your front door being unlocked caught your attention. A huge smile spread across your face at the sight of your husband throwing open the door and sitting his suitcase down. He was dressed casually, clad in dark sweats and a hoodie. He removed his hood unleashing the blonde floof atop his head.

"Babe, I'm ho- Oh! There you are!!", he greeted with bright eyes and an even brighter smile. He closed the distance between you so swiftly you barely saw him move. On second you were standing in front of the kitchen entrance, the next you were in your lover's arms being smothered with love and affection. You broke into a fit of giggles as Danny began peppering your face with butterfly kisses. "Okay, okay, okay!! I get it, you missed me!", you said while making a weak attempt to escape his embrace. He pulled you closer effortlessly and buried his face in your neck. Though it came out muffled you heard him speak. "Can't help it, you know I don't like being away from you.", he sighed as you began running your finger through his hair. Your smile softened as you placed a kiss on the top of his head. "It's alright, love! I missed you even more.", you finally admitted.

After a few seconds of letting you hold him, your husband stood to his full height and gave you a smile that you knew meant nothing but trouble. Your smile immediately evaporated from your face causing him to chuckle. "You already know how this goes.", he said mischievously, "Close your eyes, you'll need to be on your knees for this one!~". You closed your eyes and snickered while sinking to your knees. The sound of his footsteps slowly fading away and a car door opening shortly afterward met your ears. He'd left your gift in the car which meant it was probably on the larger side. You listened to the door close and his footsteps grow closer while preparing for whatever surprise he had planned.

"You ready?", Danny questioned from what seemed like far away. Your suspicions tripled at that moment, still, you nodded and gave him a quiet 'ok'. He muttered something under his breath and just as you were about to ask him to speak up tiny tapping sounded across the floors of your house. Your heart skipped a couple of beats as something warm and fluffy jumped into your arms. "No, it couldn't be!", you thought.

Your suspicions were confirmed as the warm fluffy thing began to lick the underside of your chin. Your eyes flew open and looked down directly into the eyes of quite possibly the cutest puppy you'd ever laid eyes on. "Surprise, babe!! Meet the newest addition to our family!", Danny cheered and your heart warmed instantaneously. A little sob escaped your chest as you cradled the fluffy little pup like a baby. Its dark fur was so soft and its floppy little ears hung low against its head. A little yip met your ears as your eyes clouded with tears of joy. You blinked them away to stare into the eyes of the little puppy who couldn't seem to take its eyes off of you. They were wide and unblinking, pupils were blown so that just a thin ring of blue could be seen around infinite darkness. For the first time in minutes, it slowly blinked at you in the sweetest way, and you sobbed again.

(A/N:) For all my visual babes, this is the lil babie I'm talking about here:

(A/N:) For all my visual babes, this is the lil babie I'm talking about here:

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Danny kneeled in front of you and lifted your chin to wipe away your tears. You leaned into his touch and cradled the pup closer to you. "I've had a lot of time to think about you these past few weeks.", your husband started with a bashful smile, "I know how much you've wanted to start a family, but I also know that I'm not quite ready yet. Still, I don't like leaving you here by yourself when I'm gone.". You nodded in understanding while letting the weight of his words sink in. You knew how much he hated being apart from you, and you knew he hated you being alone a million times more. "So, I figured she could be our solution. We can take care of her together and prepare to have a kid of our own, and now you won't be lonely when I'm gone. I know how much you hate gifts but-", before you could finish his sentence you pressed your lips into his. Danny deepened the kiss you initiated, eventually pulling away and beaming at you.

"Thank you so much. I love you more than you know and I hate that I'm not able to tell you every single second of the day.", you breathed out with a smile. Your husband just nodded and made himself comfortable on the floor with you. He gently outstretched his hands in hopes of being able to hold your new fur baby. "Have you thought of a name yet?", he asked to which you responded with a nod. "Angel." you replied quietly. He cooed and moved closer to you. "Angel, huh? Yeah, I like the sound of that!", he spoke lovingly. A few moments of quietness ensued as the two of you watched the puppy sleep soundly in your arms.

"Are you gonna let me hold her or what?"

"Not a fucking chance."

"Thought so."


(A/N): HELLO BABES!!! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's not often that I get to write pure fluff, but when I do it's always nice! As usual, tell me what you thought of it and what you'd like to see more of. Please remember to drink water, eat healthily, and take your meds if you have to! Please be safe, and if you can't be safe try to be careful. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCHHHHH <3

thesmolbean out.

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