Speak of The Devil~ (Oneshot)✨

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(A/N): HIIIIII!! I'm back with a new part for the 'Devil's In The Details' mini-series as promised!! As soon as I updated last week, I began working on this story cause I was excited for y'all to read it. I do hope you find it satisfactory~ ;)

It had been about two hours since my guardian demon had finally made an appearance in my life, and I was already wondering when the fuck he'd be leaving. Although Danny was very informative and attractive, he was also very flirtatious and kind of annoying. He had told me he'd tell me about my past and the deal my father had made if I gave him ramen, but he'd finished his ramen an hour ago and hadn't told me anything of importance.

Currently, he was leaning back in my favorite chair with his legs elegantly crossed. He'd loosened his tie and undid a few buttons on his shirt, giving him a more of a roguishly handsome look. His chocolate eyes scanned my figure while occasionally flickering crimson like dying embers. A tired sigh escaped my lips as I glanced at the clock mounted on my wall. It was nearly 2 a.m. and I had work in the morning. "Are you going to keep your promise or not, demon? I don't have time for your trivial games.", I asked with slight annoyance lacing my tone.

Danny's eyes met mine and a lazy smirk graced his features. "Now, now dearest. There is no need for name-calling. As for your question, yes. I was just taking a moment to take in the wondrous sight in front of me.", he drawled while sitting up to rest his elbows on his knees. I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to get on with his storytelling. Although I was tired and growing impatient, I needed to know why things had happened the way they did all those years ago.

"A couple centuries ago, back when humans favored bloodshed and war, I was a very powerful demon. Even more powerful than I am now. I was popular among humans who had a taste for pleasure and lust. It was my duty to draw in women, men, and non-binary folk with the temptation of having their deepest, darkest desires fulfilled. I was the 3rd seventh deadly sin you humans call 'Lust'. ", Danny began while staring into nothingness, "I was the best at what I did, and I knew it. My ambitions grew more and more with each soul I took until I got too far ahead of myself.".

I listened to him tell his story with growing interest. His tone was filled with pride, but I detected a tiny bit of spite. His eyes no longer flickered between brown and crimson; they now glowed blood-red in the dim lighting of my living room. "I thought that I was untouchable, and soon I found out I was completely wrong. I had an affair with one of my master's concubines. I was punished and stripped of my title. My master demoted me, and I spent the rest of my time in Hell torturing the souls of the damned.", he sneered with a curl of his lip.

I nodded while sitting forward and crossing my arms. "As awful as that sounds, what does all that have to do with me?", I inquired with deepening confusion. Danny sighed and released a puff of smoke from his nostrils. "That's how I became available to be your guardian. Once I'd been demoted, I did lots of odd jobs and menial work. The demon supervising me was an evil bastard even amongst demons. He was the demon who created your father's contract at the crossroads. He filled that contract with so many tricks and sneaky lies that it was only a matter of time before your father fell prey to one of them.", he explained calmly.

I frowned as I listened to him talk about the demon who'd made my father's contract. Danny didn't seem to like him at all, and his obvious distaste for him only made my hatred of him worse. "Once your father signed the contract, I was given the task of being your guardian. I was a bit angry that I was given the task at first, but when I saw you the day you were born I figured watching over you wouldn't be so bad. I also thought I'd make up for trying to eat you at birth.", he said nonchalantly while tossing a ball of blue hellfire from one of his hands to the other.

My head snapped up and I stared at him with wide eyes. "You did what?!", I shouted in shock trying to figure out if I'd heard him correctly or if sleep deprivation was finally beginning to take a toll on my hearing. Danny nodded and snuffed out his tiny flame before saying, "You looked so cute I just had to have a taste. Kind of took the whole "gobble me, swallow me" thing a bit too seriously.". I stared at him silently before looking at the clock to see that it was 3:00 a.m.

I stood and stretched my limbs before making my way toward Danny. "As nice as this little encounter of ours was, I'm gonna need you to get the fuck out of my house now. I've got work tomorrow, and I need sleep and time to process this new information that you so graciously took your time giving.", I said while taking his cool hand in mine and pulling up from the sofa. He smirked and stretched a bit before walking to a shadowy corner in the living room. "I almost forgot you humans need rest to be productive. It was nice finally talking to you. I'll see you tomorrow to discuss more pressing issues. Goodnight, dearest, don't let the hellhounds bite!", he chirped while fading into the shadows. Within a few seconds, Danny was nowhere to be seen.

I stared at the spot he'd disappeared in for a few more moments before turning and walking towards my bedroom. "I'm getting too old for this shit.", I muttered while getting dressed for bed. After brushing my teeth and finishing my night routine, I tucked myself in and turned out the lights. As I thought about all the things Danny had told me, I began to wonder what would have happened to my father had things been different. My thoughts soon became too much for my weary body, and soon I fell asleep. For the first time in my life, my sleep was peaceful.



Hello, my bitches, bros, and non-binary hoes!! I hoped you enjoyed this story! I stayed up all night trying to finish and edit it, so please vote and share. It wouldn't hurt to comment your thoughts either. Please make sure to eat properly and stay hydrated. ILYSM <33

thesmolbean out.

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