Bookworms and Cigarettes 5 ✨

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(A/N) Hello again, my babies! Here's the second update of the day, thanks for being so patient. At the end of this one, there are two important announcements to look out for. I won't hold you anymore, please enjoy <3

Arny's place was fucking amazing.

The little house stuck out like a sore thumb in the suburban neighborhood it resided in. Unlike the off-white and eggshell-colored house with cheery, colorful curtains, Arny's house was an ominous shade of grey. Everything inside was hidden behind thick drapes the color of midnight skies. Just beyond the drapes, through a small crack, a dull purple glow could be seen coming from a single room.

Once the boys and I had parked our cars, we regrouped on the steps leading into his house. Arny dug his keys out of his bag, and I internally cooed at the small Sebastian keychain dangling along with several other anime-themed attachments. As soon as he unlocked the door and opened it, he was nearly knocked over by the cutest dog ever. A pretty brown and white boston terrier barked happily and jumped around in excitement now that his owner was home. Arny beamed happily and made his way inside, waving us in after a second.

(A/N: I didn't know what breed Apollo was but thankfully babe came through!! He's so cuuutee 🥺)

"Sorry about the mess, I didn't get around to cleaning the place up before I left.", Arny shouted from where I assumed was the kitchen. I looked around at the spotless house in heavy confusion. There wasn't a speck of dirt or dust in sight. "What mess is he referring to???", I whispered to William who snickered. "He's a cleaning machine, don't mind him.", Brandon whispered back. I shrugged and glanced at Danny who was staring boredly into a shelf occupied by various photos and art. I looked down to see him shake his hands a bit and I frowned. His knuckles and fingers were red and slightly swollen from the fight earlier. It was obvious that the poor idiot was hurt.

I facepalmed and rolled up my sleeves before shouting, "Hey, Arny! You wouldn't happen to have a first aid kit around here, would you?". He hummed as he thought and exclaimed in remembrance after a moment. "Sure, I do! It's in the bathroom down that hall, the first door on the left. It's in the medicine cabinet!", he instructed. I thanked him before grabbing Danny's wrist careful to not cause him more pain than he was already feeling. "What are you doing?", he questioned curiously as I dragged him toward the bathroom.

"I'm fixing you and Arny up. Your hands are gonna bruise pretty badly if I don't do something about it.", I muttered once we were inside the small room. Just as he'd said, the red and white kit was behind a few things in an almost empty medicine cabinet. I pulled it out and opened it to find all the things I would need for the two of them. Once I got it all laid out, I gestured for him to sit on the counter. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you care about me!", he teased as he made himself comfortable on the slab of marble.

I rolled my eyes and looked over his hands. They were pretty dinged up considering he was the one throwing most of the punches. His pale appendages were now red and slightly bloody around his knuckles and fingertips. A few cuts varying in deepness and size littered his once unwounded skin. Thin rings of white could be seen just under the silver of the rings he was wearing. "I'm not even gonna lie to you.", I started while picking up a can of numbing spray, "This is gonna hurt like a bitch. Do you want the spray or not?". Danny scoffed and took the numbing spray from me and sat it down again before holding out his hands.

I shrugged and held his wrist with one hand and prepared to take one of his rings off with the other. "On three, okay?? 1-", I started before snatching the band of silver off as quickly as I could. Danny cursed wildly and hissed in pain. After his moment of whining, he glared at me with those pretty eyes of his. "YOU SAID ON THREE, NOT ONE BUT THREE! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ABOUT?!?", he yelled and I shrugged in innocence. "Oops.", I simply said before picking up the can again, "You still don't want the spray?".


Two whiny boys and an excessive amount of numbing spray later, we were all chilling in Arny's room with music playing in the background. The soft fluorescent lights and the overall aesthetic of the room were so calming. I couldn't understand how he got out of bed in the morning.

I had asked and was allowed to make myself comfortable on his bed. Of course, it was made to perfection and was softer than anything I had ever felt before. Movement next to me caught my attention and I looked down to see Arny's dog, Apollo, making himself comfortable next to me. I smiled and scratched behind his ears a bit. I looked around at the various anime decorations and plushies in awe. On the ceiling, I could make out cherry blossom vines creeping across the white surface.

"It's pretty, isn't it!", Arny chirped causing me to snap out of my mystified stupor and nod vehemently. He chuckled and nudged Danny. "I told you, bro. Chicks dig ceilings!", he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Danny just smirked and shoved him away earning him an even harder shove. Within seconds, the already wounded boys were wrestling and giggling like idiots on the floor. I chuckled and looked over at Will and Brandon to see them casually conversating about something. I looked between both sets of boys wondering how the hell they could be so chaotic and so calm at the same time. Brandon looked up to see the other boys fighting and gestured toward the two of them. William grinned and before I knew it, they had joined the fight, too.

I smirked and looked down at Apollo. "At least you're not crazy like those boys. You're the best boy ever!", I cooed as he yawned and rolled over. "WHo arE yOU calLinNg cRAzy?!", Danny choked out from his place in front of Brandon, who was holding him in place with a headlock. I cackled at the sight of the disgruntled, red-faced boy causing the other three to stop what they were doing and go silent. "You guys,... we've been going about this all wrong.", Brandon said while releasing his struggling friend from the headlock. Arny nodded and stopped trying to strangle Will. "Why are we fighting each other...", he trailed off as Will sat up and grinned at me. "When we could be fighting you!", William finished and the smirk on my face vanished.



(A/N): Hello there, babes!! I hope you enjoyed today's updates! Which did you like better though 🤔? Anyways, I wanted to let you guys know two things:

(1), I have chosen a fandom name for you! Well, two actually. I'd like to call you my Babes and my Sprites if that's okay with you all!

(2) The Brandon story might not be up for much longer :((. I have decided that I want to publish it as an actual book, so I'll probably be taking it down until it's completely finished. I'm sorry 😭!

Thanks for your support and love! Remember to take care of yourselves; eat healthily, drink water, and be safe. If you can't be safe, at least be careful! ILYSM <33

thsmolbean out.

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