Freaky Friday (Oneshot) 😈

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(A/N): Hello my precious people!! I'm here with your reward for getting my book to 10K READS!! As I promised, this will be a smut story. Here are the warnings: Degradation Kink, Praise Kink, Bondage Kink, Overstimulation, Manhandling (if you squint), Breeding kink. As usual, read up to the ⚠warning⚠ if this makes you uncomfortable! Enjoy <3

I never considered myself to be a cowardly person. Almost nothing could make me scared or afraid to close my eyes... almost nothing. It was a slow Friday night when it happened. All of my classes and assignments were complete, and my professors had been merciful enough to give all of their students a weekend off from the stressful work we'd been doing all week. Instead of going out to party like everyone else, I decided to stay in my dorm and play video games. Don't judge me.

The day had been tiresome with all the last minute working and organizing going on on campus. The air had taken a nice chill as fall was beginning to manifest more. All the leaves were pretty shades of golden orange and red, and the nights were clear with star-littered skies. It was evident that October was here.


 It was about 10:00 pm when a knock sounded at my dorm door which was rare considering I didn't socialize much. I paused my gaming and set aside my controller before leaving my room to answer the persistent knocking. I opened the door to find my roommate Danny standing in the hallway with an awkward smile. I stared at him blankly before stepping to the side and letting him in. Danny offered me a bashful chuckle and said, "Sorry, I kinda left my keys here. Thanks for letting me in!". I muttered, "No problem.", before turning and walking away without another word spoken.

My roommate and I weren't all that close. Danny was kind, considerate, and unnecessarily good-looking. We spoke here and there whenever the two of us were in the dorm at the same time, but I made it my business not to bother him too much. I was never good at talking with people I liked anyways.

"Why aren't you out having fun like everyone else tonight?", he called as I began walking back into my room. I stopped and turned to see him coming out of the kitchen with a juice box. "I don't like crowds or people if I'm being honest. I know it sounds rude, but being around lots of people makes me feel drained.", I explained quietly to which he hummed with an understanding nod. "I know how you feel. I was supposed to be going to a party tonight but there were way too many people.", he started after taking a sip of apple juice from the box, "I figured that I'd come back here and watch a few movies. Maybe even convince my roommate to watch with me?". I froze for a second at what he was suggesting. I was being given an opportunity to spend time with my crush for 2+ hours... in a dimly lit room. Just the thought of such a situation made me nervous, but the hope in Danny's eyes was enough to make me give in.

"Sure, that sounds cool.", I agreed with a little smile. Danny cheered and ran towards his room. I chuckled a bit in confusion as Danny came back to beam at me from the hallway. "Meet me in my room in fifteen minutes! Dress comfortably!", he demanded before running back to his room. I shook my head as I entered my own room and walked to my closet. Although I was nervous, I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit happy. Hopefully, this was a good idea!


This was a horrible idea. It was one of the worse fucking ideas in the history of ideas I'd ever had. When Danny had invited me to his room to watch movies, I'd assumed he wanted to watch Marvel movies or an anime, but I was wrong. He'd chosen three horror movies for the two of us to watch... in the dark.

As stated before, almost nothing could scare me. The only exception was horror movies. I didn't have the stomach for it. So when he told me what we were watching, I thought about faking illness or something to get out of our little movie night. Then I saw how happy and excited he was sitting on his bed surrounded by blankets and various pillows. I reluctantly swallowed my fears and moved to sit next to him. A few minutes later the first movie began.

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