Mine 💗

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(A/N): Hello, babes!! I'm finally back, and yes this one's not an old rewritten one. It's a bit off in my opinion, but lemme know what you think! It has a tiny bit of angst in it so look out for that. I won't hold you any longer, enjoy <333

I sighed harshly and glanced at the slip of paper between my fingers for the umpteenth time. There was a short list on it, half of its contents hastily scratched off and barely readable through smudged ink. I looked up from the paper and the crowds of people around me both human and hybrid. Had I known it'd be so crowded, I would've chosen another day to run errands. The only reason I hadn't turned around as soon as I made it to the parking lot was that Danny had promised not to wander off or leave me behind. I should've known that was a lie.

I huffed and mentally cursed the easily distracted cat boy before heading in the general direction of the next item, cooking utensils. Half of me wanted to go find him, but that'd only inflate his ego even more than it already was. As I turned down an aisle, I caught a glimpse of myself in a display of intricately crafted mirrors. My ears had fallen flat against my head, occasionally twitching at noises here and there. The stress of being around so many people was starting to get to me.

I continued pushing on until I found what I was looking for. As my eyes scanned the labels and tags, I quickly realized the brand I was looking for was on the top shelf. "Fucking hell.", I muttered under my breath while staring at the box I needed. I stared at its placement and began weighing my odds. It wouldn't be too hard for me to reach the corner of it considering I wasn't very short. I must've zoned out for a moment because one second the box was on the shelf and the next a pale hand was holding it out in front of me. I blinked rapidly and turned around to see a tall, brown-haired boy beaming down at me. "Huh?", I muttered in confusion earning a chuckle from the kind-looking stranger.

"I saw you looking at these pretty hard, and you looked a little out of it. So, I figured you needed some help.", he spoke warmly coaxing a smile onto my face. I took the box, our hands slightly brushing against each other, and nodded enthusiastically. "Thanks! I was having trouble reaching it.", I explained. He nodded and glanced at where the box had been. I noticed then that his eyes were an unusual shade of golden brown. He was a hybrid, probably a large dog breed like a Labrador or Golden Retriever. "Yeah, they tend to put things ridiculously high up nowadays. I'm glad I could help, though. I'm William by the way!", he introduced himself and extended a hand toward me.

I took it politely not failing to notice his well-trimmed nails. Most dog hybrids didn't care much about that sort of thing. "I'm (Y/N)!", I introduced myself while separating our hands. As he opened his mouth to say something else, I noticed a subtle shift in the air. There was a strong, sweet scent that I guessed was coming from the guy in front of me. My ears flattened more and the little comfort I was feeling decreased a bit. "So, are you here with friends or maybe someone special?", he questioned with a tilt of his head. Yup, he was trying to pick me up.

I nodded and looked down the aisle while subtly sniffing the air for Danny's scent. Though it was faint, I caught a whiff of it seemingly getting closer. "Yeah, I am actually. My boyfriend should be somewhere around here. He's a bit of a wanderer!", I informed him. His smile faltered, and he took a small step forward. "Oh.", he spoke sounding discouraged, "Well, I could keep you company until he comes around again! I mean, if you want.". I chuckled awkwardly and internally cursed at my lack of confidence.

Just as I was about to give him an answer, a loud voice shouted down the aisle. "HEY BABE!!", Danny called out while jogging up the aisle with a basket in his left hand. Without sparing William a single sideways glance, he placed his basket into my cart and pulled me into a hug. Only when his arms wrapped around me did I notice the tension rolling off of him in waves.

"From the looks of it, I think I got most of the things left on your list and a few extra things.", he informed me while emptying his basket into my cart, "Shopping day is officially over!!". If I didn't know him so well, his fake enthusiasm would seem genuine. "Thanks, I was hoping you hadn't wandered off for no reason. Oh, this is William, he helped me get to these utensils you wanted!", I told him while showing him the box. He moved closer as if to get a better look at it, and I felt his hand wrap around my waist and give it a comforting squeeze. He looked up at William with dull eyes and a fake smile stretching across his face. "Thanks for that.", he stated dryly before refocusing his attention back on me, "You ready?". I nodded and took his hand, allowing him to pull me and the cart down the aisle and toward the front. I turned as we rounded the corner and waved awkwardly at William one last time. I looked up at Danny to see that the fake smile from earlier was gone.

The rest of our store run was quiet, neither one of us wanting to address the situation just yet. Still, his hand never left mine. From checking out to putting the groceries in his car our hands stayed connected. Only when he opened the door for me did he feel it safe for him to let go. I watched as he made his way to his side of the car, eyes scanning the parking lot one last time before getting inside.

As he shut the door, he exhaled and ran a hand through his fluffy hair. "That guy from earlier,", he started while turning to look at me, "he didn't try anything, did he?". I cringed inwardly while nodding and glancing his way. "I'm alright though, it wasn't anything to be upset over.", I added quickly seeing how easily he was tensing up, " There's nothing to worry about.".

I watched as he slumped in his seat and planted his face in his palms. "Baby,", he started, " you know I care about you. I don't want anyone bothering what's mine.". I opened my mouth to argue, but the weight of his words sank in before I could speak. A smile stretched across my face before I could stop myself. "Yours, huh?", I teased with an eyebrow raise. Watching the realization spread across his face was one of the best things I'd ever witnessed in my life.

"That's not what I meant! Well, I did mean it but like... YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY-", he started to yell but I quickly grabbed his face. I smirked and kissed his nose before pushing his face away gently. "Don't worry, love. I'm completely and totally fine with being yours. Now, let's get home shall we?", I asked with a tilt of my head. With reddening cheeks a wide eyes, he silently placed his keys in the ignition and started the car. He turned to face the wheel and slowly gathered his composure before beginning to pull out of our parking space.

"Yeah, we should get home, so we can finish what you've started."


(A/N): HII!! I hope you enjoyed this story! I've been trying to work on more projects but school's started for me so my free time's getting lower and lower. I'll keep trying though!! Anyways, remember to drink water, eat healthily, and take your meds if you have to. Please be safe, and if you can't be safe at least be careful. I love you all!!

thesmolbean out.

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