Alpha and Omega ✨

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(A/N): Hi! Here's a new lil story I thought of cause I figured y'all might want a break from all the other series!! The reader is a wolf shifter in this story!I hope you all like it because I really enjoyed writing it. Enjoy <3


I sighed as I sat up and glanced at the wailing alarm clock on my nightstand. It read '6:30 am' in bright red letters just as it had thousands of mornings before. I stretched a bit before knocking the alarm clock off the nightstand and smirked as its cries were cut short by the fall. After a few minutes of checking notifications and trying to figure out what I wanted to do today, I reluctantly got out of bed to start the day.

A hot shower, cup of tea, and a satisfying breakfast later, I was making my out of the house. I grabbed my keys from their place by the door and turned to announce my departure but stopped when I remembered there was no one here to tell. I chuckled to myself before stepping outside and locking the doors. As I made my way to my car, a buzzing in my left pocket caught my attention. After pulling it from the depths of my pockets, I saw that I was getting a call from my best friend Brandon. "What's up, baby boy!", Brandon spoke once I answered his call.

"Nothing, and that's a fucking problem!", I answered with a smile as I got in my car and shut the door, "What's up with you?". I listened to Brandon tell me about his morning while starting the car. "It's pretty empty here at the shop. You should come over and meet some of the new wolves! Maybe you can finally get around to adopting one of them like you've been wanting to.", Brandon suggested with hope in his tone. I thought about it for a moment and remember what had happened this morning. I was used to being in an empty house, but it was starting to feel a bit too empty. The house was big enough for two people, but a roommate was something I couldn't even begin to think of. "Sure! I'm coming over right now.", I said while putting my keys in the ignition and starting my car. "I'll see you later then!", Bradon cheered and we said our goodbyes. With a sigh and a wishful thought, I pulled out of the driveway.



I observed the world around me through the crimson metal bars that kept me in this hellhole of a place. Little children and their parents chatted idly near the puppy cages, couples both old and young lazily browsed around the store in search of their forever companions. No one came to my cage, though. The deep red that so elegantly stained the bars of my confinement was a loud cry damning me to a life of isolation. I scoffed inwardly as I watched a couple glance at me and warily pass by.

"Mommy? Why's she in a red cage by herself?", I heard a small child ask from somewhere in the store. There was a familiar silence that followed the annoyingly familiar question. It was an uncomfortable, judgemental silence that was broken by the child's father. "She's is in there because she's dangerous. That's all.", he answered causing the child to hum. "Is there no one to love her like the others?", the child questioned with aconcern that only a child could have for someone other than themselves. A scoff followed the question and a female voice, who I assume was their mother, spoke up. "No one could love something like that. Now, hurry up and pick a puppy. I have to go to work in an hour.", she said and their footsteps faded away. Damn, that one kind of hurt.

A scent that I knew well drew in closer to my enclosure before a pair of black shoes appeared in my line of sight. The person wearing the shoes crouched down, and I was pleased to see that the person was Brandon, the only human I could tolerate in this place. "Hey there, buddy! I brought you some food! I figured Jess didn't feed you during his shift last night.", he spoke in a calm tone while sliding my bowl of food through a slot between the bars.

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