Chapter 13

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The rain. It poured and poured.

Like a never-ending waterfall. Violently crashing on the lifeless streets of the house I felt alone in.

Without her.

Though I loved the rain or the midnight atmosphere, my mood was notably the complete opposite to idyllic.

And I couldn't help but feel flustered.

I hadn't seen or heard from her in days. I called, I texted, I even looked around for her but nothing.

And all I could do was think about her.

But then a knock sounded at my door, and I knew it was her.

My chest flickered, in anticipation as I quickly walk to the door.

"It's been more than a week. You could have even bothered to call-"

But I stopped, at what I saw recognized.

Her face was weary. Her skin looked pale, and lifeless, almost like she was a walking corpse. Her hair was wet, along with the oversized hoodie she was wearing that clung to her body in a very distracting manner. The shoes she wore were barely hanging on and seemed to be at their last use.

She had to be in the rain for hours. But the speed that raindrops fell at could explain why she was so drenched.

She looked at me, communicating something through her eyes.

Vulnerability. Her eyes bled with the look of vulnerability and embarrassment, as the bags underneath her puffy red eyes came into display.


"I- I'm sorry" she said her head bent into her chin downward, not making any attempt to share eye contact again.

"I- I can't go back to- to that hell hole." She gave a shaky sigh. Her hands seemed to be shaking in the pockets of the hoodie she wore.

"V, I-" I try reaching my hand out to her, but she flinches, a pang rushing through my chest.

"What happened," I stepped forward towards her limp body.

"I'm just really tired," she mumbles under her breathe, and at that moment her body started to fall.

Thankfully I was able to catch her. Her skin was way too cold for the normal body temperature. I lifted her into a bridal hold and carried her inside, shutting the door with my foot.

I quickly rushed her to my bathroom letting her sit on the closed toilet seat. I lift her face with my hand holding her cheeks.

She wasn't unconscious but she seemed extremely weak.

"Ivorie, please tell me what happen?"

Flicking on the light to the dark bathroom, I see the bloody bruises on her bare legs coming into view.

My heart falls instantly at the sight and my blood boils. In rage.

I wanted to examine her, for any more bruises she may have had, but she stops my hand from zipping down her hoodie, probably with the last muster of strength she had, because her hands then fell beside her.

"I've seen it all before," I say softly.

"I need to help you right now, I need to check and make sure you're not badly injured," I say to her softly, holding both of her hands in a comforting manner

"Alright," She sighed with a slight nod.

So, I slowly zipped down her hoodie, pulling the wet material off her body. Her wrists had red rings around them, like that one day before, and her neck had handprints pressed into her skin. They were scrapes and bruises across her chest and her stomach.

My heart burned in pain at what I saw.

I lift her body in my arms and entered the shower, closing the door so I could wash the blood of her body. Making sure it was the most comfortable temperature, I slowly rested it on her skin, her back pressed into me and my hand holding her up.

The bruises on her back and legs were the worst. They were large wails, identical to belt streaks, some oozed blood while other were just extremely red.

Holding her now in front, her head resting on my chest and her hands gripping onto my shirt for stability, I washed her back, the watery blood travelling down the drain.

Taking the brush, I had rested previously on the sink, I brush through her tangled hair.

And after a few minutes, majority of the blood was washed off and I dried her down. I put a white t-shirt over her head, putting it on for her, while I put my boxers onto her bottom half.

I tried my best to aid the cuts and gashed on her back and legs by rapping them in some cloth that would be best to stop blood.

I then carried her to my bed, resting her on it. I pulled the sheets over her body and tucked her in, trying to warm her as much as possible.

"I'm gonna bring some water and meds to help with the pain, okay?" I turn to leave but she grips my wrist.

"I'll be back, I promise,"

She huffs, and I quickly retrieve the glass of water and 2 pain meds for her to take.

I lift her back, holding her up, lift the glass to her lips. She basically chugged the glass of water making me smile sadly at the speed she drank it.

Rubbing her chin where some water dripped, I tucked her damp hair behind her ear and rested her head softly back onto the pillow.

I walk to my drawer and take out a dry set of sweats and switched it out of the wet bloody clothes, softly getting into bed beside her.

I laid there beside her, spooning her body, as I stroked her arm.

"It's going to be okay," I kissed her behind her ear whispering, as I tried to aid her to sleep, while all sorts of thoughts ran through my mind.

Who did this to her? Was this the reason I haven't seen her in days? Was that why she was never home?

I pinch my nose bridge as the thought of her collapsing in the road could have become a very apparent possibility.

Who ever did this to her, was going to die. And I was going to kill them.

But for right now, all I will do, was aid her pain.



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khriss シ︎

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