Chapter 10

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He knew it.

She knew it.

He proved her wrong in every way possible, and in her eyes, he was a prodigy.

His opponent was at least twice his size, and a had a much bigger build. Even though he was a tall and muscular guy, his opponent made him look small.

But Elliot knew this wasn't an issue.

The match lasted for no longer than a minute. He gave quick jabs that's swiftly guided through the air and into his opponent's jaw.

His jabs were far to quick for a normal person's eye to trace, and his dodges had been swift and precise landing a punch to the gut, after dodging an uppercut.

She sat there, astounded at what her eyes saw. He fought like it was a dance, power emitting from every hit, yet it was like a graceful choreography.

"Hit him the throat, the throat!" She shouted, jumping from her seat along with many other that cheered them along. But she felt a nudge beside her.

"That's illegal," they comment.

"Ah whatever, he's amazing," her eyes watched him keenly, begging for him to look at her.

And as if he read her mind, his eyes found hers, and he freezes at the smile he sees on her face. Everything seemed to fade away for both of their worlds.

It was just them.

But his opponent took that as an advantage to earn at least one hit in the match, aiming for his face.

Little did he think that his punch would but caught.

Elliot held his opponent's fist in his hand; his punch was centimetres away from his face. But he still held eye-contact with her. He didn't even flinch.

Instead, he uses that time to impress her.

Pulling his opponents arm, he wraps his legs around their neck, twisting his upper body that way he could bring him to the ground.

He held is neck in his legs while pulling his hand, and sooner than later his opponent tapped out, earning Elliot a glorious win.

She ran up to him, ducking under the ring ropes, jumping into his arms, not caring whether he sweaty or not.

He was a bit taken back, but eventually hugs her back, his body swallowing hers.

"You are fricken amazing," She slightly pulled away smiling at him.

"Yeah, I know,"

She glares at him, before giving him a punch on the arm, catching him by surprise.

"That's for being cocky,"

She reaches for his neck and pulls him in, the distance between their lips no longer there. For him to say he was confused would be an understatement, but that confusion soon turned to desire, and his arms with a mind of their own wrapped around her waist.

They kissed so passionately that their body's curved into each other, their scents fixed into each other's minds, there breathe-ways hitched together and their hands all over.

It was as if they were the only two people in the world, and all they had were each other, everything around them fell away.

They both had never gotten so lost in a kiss before, it burned inside of them, hungry for more. It could have been a minute or and hour, who knows, that kiss made time seem irrelevant.

She slightly pulled away, their foreheads still touching and them both out of breath.

"And that's for proving me wrong," she whispers to him. Her chest shook with passion, and it yearned for more from him, but it snapped her back into reality, the screams from the crowd now becoming deafening.

She turns her back now facing him, but his eyes were glued on her, and not by choice. He just couldn't look away.

All he knew, was that kiss, the taste of her lips was all he craved, how her soft skin brushed against his, how his skin burned him alive, he longed for all of her.

And he was all hers.

But she didn't know that.

No yet at least.



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khriss シ︎

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