Chapter 10: Rise Konoha 12: Real training begins!

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"You want to include the entire Konoha 12?" Jiraiya asked in complete shock at what the blonde in front of him was asking.

The two were currently in Tsunade's office. He was explaining his plan to Jiraiya and Tsunade was listening considering whether or not she should go through with this plan.

"Yes," Naruto said, "We both know that Danzo will try and come back. We also know that the Akatsuki will try to make their move in that time. If all 12 of us train this village will have a great force to be reckoned with."

Jiraiya understood why Naruto wanted to do this, but he didn't understand how.

"And just how are you planning on doing that?" Jiraiya asked, "I don't really know that many fighting styles and I don't plan on making that many sages."

"You don't have to," Naruto said, "if I know my old man I think he has something hidden in the clan vault that could help us out."

"Okay," Jiraiya said, "but I don't know how we're going to do this in the village. There might be some spies trying to learn our secrets."

"I know," Naruto said, "I plan on using the training grounds underneath my home. If I remember correctly it can be locked up for a certain amount of time and we have enough provisions to last us that long in there."

Jiraiya saw the logic in Naruto's plan. They would be away from prying eyes and they could train all they needed to. Plus if the Namikaze vault had all the things that they needed then it was worth a shot.

"Okay," Jiraiya said, "Tsunade-hime what do you think?"

"I think that this is a good idea," Tsunade said, "No one will know what they will be able to do or the extent of their abilities. Naruto I give you and Jiraiya permission to take the Konoha 12 and train them for the next three years. This will qualify as an S-rank mission due to importance. Oh and while your at it leave something for their teachers will you? The last thing we need are our Jounin falling behind."

Naruto nodded. He got up and walked out the door. He had a lot to do. He only had until tomorrow til they could start training. In that time he had to convince the others to join them and figure out what they were going to train in. he was in for a busy day. Naruto then set out to find his friends.

The Inuzuka complex...

Naruto walked through the gate to the Inuzuka complex. Naruto walked through the main house to find Tsume in the living room talking with her daughter. She notice he had entered and she msiled at him warmly.

"Hello Naruto," Tsume said, "What's up?"

"Hello Tsume," Naruto said smiling, "Listen I need to talk to you alone for a minute."

"Whatever you tell her you can tell me," Hana said, "Right Naruto-kun?"

"Sorry Hana-chan," Naruto said regretfully, "But this is something that I need to discuss with the clan head and her alone."

Hana pouted slightly and got up. She smiled at Naruto before she left.

"So what is it you need to talk to me about?" Tsume asked her former playfulness gone.

"Well," Naruto said, "I'm starting training tomorrow in an underground base beneath my home. I know that the Akatsuki plan to make their move in about three years."

"And?" Tsume asked wanting to get to the point.

"The thing is," Naruto said, "I want your son and Akamaru to join me."

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