Chapter 5: Conflict, training, and finding the slug.

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Jiraiya and Naruto walked around for a while until they arrived at some hotel where they could stay. At that moment a pretty girl came up to the old man saying she knew who he was and that she was a huge fan of his work. At that moment the old man left with her leaving Naruto and his tenant alone. The boy just signed and went to the room that they had gotten and sat down on the bed. As he did the fox decided to talk to him.

"Hey Kit," the fox spoke up.

"What's up fur ball?' Naruto asked him as he heard that voice.

"Ignoring that," the fox muttered, "I have something to tell you. You can only master one sword of the tailed beast at one time."

'What?" the blonde queried as he heard this, 'Why?'

"Each sword hold some of the chakra from each of the beasts," the fox explained, "The more tails the stronger the sword. If you use one sword before you're ready you could end up destroying yourself, and I really don't think that anyone you know would want that."

Naruto had to admit that that was a good point. He really didn't want to die. Especially from chakra poisoning. I mean who could that happen to? Naruto was still thinking when there was knock at the door. The got up to answer it and when he opened it he got a good shock. In front of him stood two men with black robes with red clouds on them. The shorter of the two had onyx eyes like Sasuke. The taller of the tow had blue skin and was hoisting something on his back that was covered in bandages. Naruto guessed it was a sword since he saw a handle coming out of the bottom.

"Naruto Uzumaki," the shorter of the two said, "We need you to come with us."

"Come on Itachi," the larger man said, "you know this brat isn't going to cooperate. Can I just cut off his legs so he doesn't run away?"

"Kisame," the now named Itachi said, "You know that we need him alive."

As the two were arguing Naruto went through hand signs. They were both stopped abruptly when there was burst of brown chakra. Naruto was now holding Bleeding Sand.

"I don't know what you guys want," Naruto said, "but I don't like it."

Kisame rose the thing on his back and brought it down only for it to miss the blonde by a hair. Naruto then rushed forward with his sword and it met Kisame's with a loud clang. Kisame was shocked when he actually had to put up a struggle.

"Hey," Kisame grunted, "Itachi a little help here. This kid is a lot stronger than we thought."

Itachi took out a few shuriken and threw them. Naruto jumped to the side at the last second. He then rushed forward and threw a kick at Itachi's legs.


Itachi jumped over the kick. He was, however, unprepared for the blonde to use the momentum of the kick and go into a handstand. The momentum made Naruto spin on his hands.


Itachi was hit in the face hard and was sent back a few feet. The elder Uchiha was clearly surprised by the strength of that kick.

"Itachi!" a voice yelled breaking the man from his train of thought.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice to see Sasuke standing down the hall.

"Little brother," Itachi said like he was bored.

"Itachi," Sasuke growled, "I have survived all these years. Now I will finally avenge our clan." As the boy said this he started to form a chidori in his hand. "I'm finally going to kill you!" he screamed as he ran at his older brother.

Naruto: Ultimate swordsman by IsomWhere stories live. Discover now