Chapter 19: New mission and...a new fiancé?

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Somewhere near earth country....

"Are we there yet?" Kisame asked.

"No," Hidan said.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we...""I swear if you finish that sentence Jashin-sama help me....I will sacrifice you here and now!"

"...So...we aren't there yet?'

Hidan roared in anger and bit down on the blade of his scythe to keep from killing his fellow Akatsuki member.

The group had been traveling for hours now. To relieve some boredom Kisame had taken to annoying the hell out of Hidan. If you looked hard enough you could see signs of amusement in the eyes of Kakuzu and Itachi.

"That's bad for your teeth you know," Kakuzu said as he walked past his partner.

Hidan removed the scythe blade from his mouth and glared at the taller man.

"Are you sure we are heading in the right direction?" Itachi asked, "I'm sure that we should have seen a village or something by now."

It was at that moment that Kakuzu stopped.

"What's up?" Kisame asked the taller man.

"I thought I heard something," the man said.

With that the four continued to walk. In the shadows a figure watched with cold blue eyes as the four terrorists walked.

In Konoha...

Tsunade was currently going through some of her paperwork. Though in all honesty she didn't really want to.

'Stupid coup,' Tsunade thought as she wrote away at the paper, 'All my paper work got backed up. I swear if it was possible I would travel back in time and convince Kami not to create this stupid thing!'

In her mind a Chibi-Tsunade whipped out a flamethrower and burned all of the papers to ash.

At that moment she heard a something tapping against he glass. The blonde turned around to see a messenger bird. The kage reached out and the bird fluttered in and landed on her desk. Tsunade gently removed the letter tied to the bird's leg. Just as she was about to open it Jiraiya burst into the room.

"Tsunade-hime," Jiraiya panted, "Akatsuki is on the move."

Tsuande laid down the letter on her desk and the messenger bird flew away.

"What are they up to?" Tsuande asked.

"According to my spy," Jiraiya said, "they are heading Northwest for one of the western lands. From what I understand they are trying to recruit somebody."

Tsunade's brow furrowed and said, "Get Kakashi's team in here as well as Kira, Karin, Suigetsu, Jirobi. And bring in Tenzo while your at it."

The old sage nodded before rushing off to do as he was told.

A few minute's later...

All the people called for plus an ANBU that had a cat-like mask covered in red and green markings.

"I'm glad you all made it so quickly," Tsuande said, "We just received word that the Akatsuki are on the move towards the western lands."

Naruto rose and eyebrow and said, "What are they doing over there?"

Tsuande answered, "Apparently they are trying to recruit a new members."

The man in the cat mask said, "We are not about to let that happen."

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