Chapter 32

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Skylar's POV

"Noo, that pink one is awful! She would look like a glace barbie in this. Keep looking."

I was now with my girls. Finallyyy. We were at Lena's house and they were helping me find a dress for that gala thing. I was supposed to do that with Laura, but she got a phone call from her mum in the morning, saying that her dad got a heart attack. We were eating a breakfast, talking and laughing when we heard the news. She was really shattered and her face became as white as a ghost.

I exactly know how she felt because I've been through that before. When we heard about Lily's car accident, we were devastated. It seemed as if the world just stopped and I didn't know how to live anymore. When Laura comes home, I'll have to be there for her. Fortunately, it was nothing serious but still, it's not nice when you find out that someone close to you had an accident, or was close to death.

"That's the one!"

Suddenly, Liv shouted excitingly. She showed me the screen of her laptop and I parted my lips. The dress was red and absolutely breathtaking.

"It's perfect." I whispered with my eyes glued to the screen.

"I think I saw ideal high heels that will go with this dress." Liv said, taking the laptop away from me to keep looking.

I hope Ace will like it. I wonder if he thinks of me as much as I think of him. I can't wait to finally see him, wrap my arms around him and never let him go. It feels like I'm not complete without him. I never thought I would get this attached to someone, let alone be in love with someone so truly, irreversibly and strongly.

Olivia was still searching for those high heels and I glanced at Lena who was sitting quietly on the left side of the sofa and was looking through the window. She was playing with her fingers and she seemed deep in thoughts. Something was wrong and I think I know what it would be but I've never been pushy and I assume that if someone is ready, then they will tell you. But I can be wrong and the reason why she was acting like that could be different than I thought, so I had to ask her.

I was sitting in front of her on the armchair so I leaned forward and put my hand on hers, making her look at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly and I saw from the corner of my eye that my question caused Olivia to look at us.

Lena sighed, licked her lips nervously looking on the floor and then back at us.

"No, it's uhm...nothing, I mean-" She closed her eyes for a split second until she reopened them and her eyes were on us again. "I have to tell you something guys."

I was getting really nervous now.

"I may or...may not be gay." She finally stated, lowering her head a bit.

Olivia and I glanced at each other until she spoke.

"I already know that, I thought that you would tell us some juicy gossip or something." Liv said, pretending to be disappointed.

"Jesus I really started to think that something terrible happened." I said with my hand on my heart and Lena looked at us with raised eyebrows.

"You two know?" She asked with a shock evident in her voice, straightening her back.

I leaned against the armchair and let out a sigh of relief. "It wasn't that hard to notice. You barely talk to guys, say to us how some girls look nice remember when there were rumours that you might be gay, and you and Eric told everyone that you slept with each other?" I asked and Lena nodded her head "I was walking from the bathroom and I overheard you two talking about your plan to say that to everyone, even though it wasn't true, so everyone could leave you alone."

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