Chapter 20

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Skylar's POV

I woke up to the noise of my ringing phone. I groaned and turned around in my bed to reach the bedside table, on which my phone lied.


What the hell does he want? I saw a few messages from him from the last night.

Skylar, please pick up the phone

I am really sorry for what I said about you. Didn't mean it.

Princess, please

I just need to talk, I will explain everything

Skylar, pick up that damn phone

I'm done. I'm coming over

I saw that the last text was sent fifteen minutes ago. I wanted to go and tell Laura not to open the door to anyone but when I wanted to do it, I heard someone ring the doorbell. I immediately got up and locked my door. I don't want to see him. Or hear out what he has to say.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps and saw the handle move.

"Skylar, open the door."

I was wondering why Laura didn't stop him. Maybe she's not home? I walked up to my bed and grabbed my phone. I saw that she sent me a message saying that she went grocery shopping.

"Skylar! Don't act like a child and talk to me! You're being so immature right now."

He can't be serious.

"I'm being immature? Look who's talking. A guy who just plays with other people's feelings like they are fucking toys!"

I wanted to be strong but I started crying again. God, I'm such a baby.

"Skylar, what I feel towards you is real and trust me, you're the last person I would like to play with or hurt. You're so important to me, please open the door."

The last sentence was barely a whisper. He has to care if he came here and still made an effort to apologise and explain everything to me.

"Please, baby."

And I just couldn't.

I slowly unlocked the door and they swiftly flew open revealing Ace. He rushed towards me and pulled me in a tight hug like he hadn't seen me for years. God, I missed him. His touch, his smell, he was so addicting. But I didn't hug him back.

He pulled away with his hands still on my waist. I was looking down at my fused fingers, a lonely tear falling down my cheek.

"Why did you come back, Ace? What do you really want?" I asked in a quiet tone.

I was tired. I was tired of all those sleepless nights or that crying all the time. My life was miserable already, I don't need another pain that Ace brings me all the time. Don't get me wrong, he makes me so happy and when I'm with him I feel like I'm starting to love life again but then we fight and then everything is falling apart.

"I want you, Skylar. Only you." He replied. His voice laced with desperation.

I looked up at him with my teary eyes and I could see sadness in his.

"You don't want me, Ace. You clearly can't be in a relationship. I'm not enough for you and that's okay. I can't change you and I don't even want to. Even if that means that you will not be in my life anymore, don't change because you are perfect just the way you are."

More tears were sliding down my cheek and Ace looked like he was close to tears too but, it's Ace. He doesn't cry.

"I don't want you to feel like you're suffocating, like that's not what you want. I will just-"

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