Chapter 31

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Skylar's POV

Today Ace flew to Italy. He came by in the morning right before his flight to say goodbye and give me loads of kisses. I already miss him. It's only a couple of days but still, it's too much for me. I feel safe when he is around. When I have a problem, or a bad day, or I just want to see him, I know that all I have to do is call him and he'll come over in no time.

Everything seems better and easier with Ace. The world seems more bearable than it was before him. Nights seem calmer, and without the sound of me sobbing. Not only Ace is changing and trying to be a better person but me as well. I'm learning to love life again and that's thanks to him. I don't think he realises how much he has influenced my life and made me change my mind about life and my attitude towards it.

When I packed my things to classes, I left my room and headed to the kitchen. I was wearing black trousers and grey, oversized polo-necked jumper. I could see through the window that snow was falling from the sky but the sun was shinning so it was really nice outside today. I was making a sandwich when Lena entered yawning. She was still dressed in her pyjama so I assumed that she wasn't going to classes early today.

"Hi, day off today?" I joked, smiling at her.

She sat down at the table and of course grabbed my sandwich.

I will have to make another one, I guess

"Nah, I wish. I start at 10:00. My first class is cancelled because that old bitch is sick." She said with her mouth full.

I chuckled. She is grumpling about how much she hates that woman every Friday.

"Was Ace here? I think I heard him?"

"Yeah, he came by to say goodbye." I pouted and sat next to her, and she rolled her eyes.

"A couple of days without each other won't kill both of you. Just so you don't think about him, we're going to the club tonight. The girls want to go and I think it's a good idea. We haven't been partying for a while."

I sighed. I'm not sure whether I want to. But If I don't go, I'll be sitting here and thinking about him. I should go. I will relax and spend some time with others. I nodded my head and said 'okay'. We talked a little more until I left the flat and went to classes. It was really nice outside that even a long and full of boring lectures day couldn't spoil my mood.

When I was sitting at the desk unpacking my stuff, Mr. Thomson entered the class. He was wearing a very fancy (and probably very expensive) suit and his hairstyle was perfectly done along with his ideal trimmed facial hair. He put his black portfolio on the table and said 'good morning', scanning the class. When he spotted me, he was gazing at me for a few seconds until he started talking about our last test.

"He's into you, I'm telling you." Flynn said to me suddenly.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. He is telling me this all the time but I don't think it's true. He just doesn't like me. He has some kind of problem with me but I don't know why. I didn't do anything wrong.

"He's staring at her all the time and sometimes I feel like he doesn't even try to hide it."

This time it was Cassie who spoke. She was sitting next to Flynn.

"Can you guys stop? It's getting really annoying. Besides,-"

"Skylar. Are you that clever enough that you assumed it's not necessary to listen during my lesson? Your last test didn't go so well again so I would advise you to work a little harder and be more focused." Mr. Thomson's deep voice cut me off.

Every face in the class was turned in my direction and I instinctively lowered my head. I mumbled a quiet but audible 'sorry', not lifting up my head.

"Stay after classes for a minute."

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