Chapter 7

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Skylar's POV

I turned around in my bed to reach my alarm and turned it off. I peeked out of the window and saw that leaves are already tuning red, yellow and orange. Autumn. Finally. Not everyone likes this time of the year, but I do. All those colourful trees, the air even smells nice. I can wear sweatshirts and jumpers which I totally adore. I don't have to show so much skin unlike in summer. I feel comfortable and it's just perfect outside.

I, as usual, got up, went to the bathroom, did my make-up and went back to my room to get dressed. I was wearing my down wide-leg jeans, white t-shirt, black leather jacket and a pair of my white Nike shoes. My hair fell loosely on my shoulders. I quickly ate my breakfast, because I wouldn't survive a minute without eating, and left my flat.

I love food too much.

It was Wednesday today. I was sitting on my chair, waiting for the professor. Suddenly, I felt someone's hand on my waist, giving me a tickle. I giggled, knowing instantly who it was.

"Hey looser." Flynn said.

"Hey asshole" I answered and we both smiled at each other.

We have some classes together today. He is really cool and we have become really good friends. I've never really had a friend who is a guy to be honest. But many people claim that it's better when you have a boy as a friend. Female's frienship can be toxic and there is a constant drama. Fortunately, my girls are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love them so much.

"What's up? Ready for sleeping during this class?" He chuckled slightly, sitting down beside me.

I scoffed.

"I like this class" it was the culture and the area of UK and USA. "It's really interesting, I don't know why you hate it so much."

"I don't hate the class. What I hate is that stupid woman who is always talking like she is going to die in a few seconds. When I hear her voice I instantly want to close my eyes and go to sleep. She just walks around the class and annoys the fuck out of me." He replied and shifted in his seat to get comfortable. I shook my head smiling and the professor entered the class.


The day has gone rather quickly and nothing eventful really happend. I didn't have many interesting classes today. When I came home, Laura had already been there. We ate dinner together and watched some movie. We heard Laura's phone buzzing, indicating that she got a message.

"Jessie says that she and Monica are going to that new café and she's asking if we want to go with them?" Laura said, looking up at me.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

I didn't really feel like going out, let alone spending my time with them, but I didn't have much to do anyway. We got dressed and went outside.

"How are the things between you and Alex?" I asked while we were walking down the stairs of the building. "Did you guys make up?"

"Yeah, we are back to our normal selfs." She said with a sad smile.

"You mean, back to friends with benefits selfs?"

She nodded her head, looking at the ground.

"Why don't you want to end it? He's just using you and you deserve so much better that that."

"I know Skylar, but I just can't. I care about him too much." she sighed "But I will think about it, okay?"

I just nodded, not wanting to be too pushy. Love makes people so weak. Your heart takes all the control, you do stupid things, and you can't accept the fact that it's time to simply walk away. We ignore the bad in someone because we love them.

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