𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 23

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1 Year Later
                                                                                  ~ 𝓐𝓹𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓮 ~

"come on Bea, you can't miss out on this you know how hard I worked to get here" I begged "I know you did well I am proud of you but I am really exhausted from work A and it's my week off next week let me rest" she groan and lays down on my bed .

Its been a year since Leo left its now 2022 and I have been depressed for the whole year I didn't even celebrate my own 20th birthday, I drown myself in studies for finals and aced it after graduation I locked myself in most of the time, my relationship with my dad has been nothing but silent treatment for the past year. Beatrix helped a lot through my depressed state she would come over and try her best to cheer me up she even dragged me into the dance studio to dance my feelings out but she finally snapped at me one day

~F L A S H B A C K ~

"come on babe we just finished finals and we are graduating" Beatrix begs me to leave my room "stop Bea I am tired let me sleep" I whine and push her off me "you have been in here since graduation, you need to leave this place for once" she gets back on top of me "I left to the dance studio just two days ago now get off" I pushed her "that's it, girl get your shit together will you" she raises her voice

"what the fuck" I got up and stared at her in shock "don't what the fuck me, you lock yourself in here like a cavewoman and because of what of a man that didn't even see your worth for fuck sakes Aphrodite there are so many more out there you can find better ones get yourself together, look at you your room is a mess and you look like a mess suck it up and move on seriously" she throws a my dirty laundry at me.

It finally hit me that I was wasting my life locking myself in my room and the furthest I would go from my room is the kitchen to eat, I look miserable "you are right I am so sorry you had to deal with me" I teared up and hugged her "finally god damn it girl" she sighs and hugs me back "you wouldn't mind helping me clean up all this mess" I sobbed while pointing at all the I made in my room "of course I wouldn't you idiot" she chuckles and I giggled


Here we are now, I opened my own business firm and its going well we signed a project that may give us a couple million dollars and the whole team working on it decided that we should have a celebration, so here I am now convincing Beatrix to join me "please come on" I swing her arm trying to get her to agree "oh my god will you leave me alone for the next week to rest if I agree" she groans "yes I promise I will even book us a spa" I put out my pink finger "pinky promise" she smiles and hooks her pink finger with mine "pinky promise" I giggled in excitement

"is this weekend right" she asked and gets up "yeah" I smiled at her and we both walked out of my room to the kitchen "I really never thought you would have gotten this far to get yourself a penthouse" she opens the fridge "a lot of successful project made this happen" I chuckled "have you talked to your dad, your mom has been calling" she takes a sip of her juice "no I never even told my parents I got this place except my sister she occasionally comes and visit" I gave her a soft smile

Ever since the incident my family haven't been the same I barely talk to my parents even when I decide to open my business firm I only ever told my sister which she fully supports me. My dad has tried to talk to me a couple of times but I would usually give him a 1 word answer or even just shake or nod my head.

"Aphrodite I am sure your dad feels guilty just talk to him" she walks over to me "I just don't think I am ready to forgive him" I sigh "alright then take your time, why not we go shopping and look for an outfit for your party" she smiles and wiggled her eyebrows "sure" I chuckled and went to grab my bag "let's go" I grabbed my the keys

We drove 15 minutes to the nearest mall and wasted no time on searching for the perfect dress for the both of us "so I am going with this red one what about you" Bea asked "this black one that I tried it looks good" I hold it out

We drove 15 minutes to the nearest mall and wasted no time on searching for the perfect dress for the both of us  "so I am going with this red one what about you" Bea asked  "this black one that I tried it looks good" I hold it out

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Aphrodite's Dress ^

Aphrodite's Dress ^

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Beatrix's Dress ^

"alright let's go pay" she excitedly rushes to the cashier  "alright thank you" I thanked the kind lady and we both walked out of the store  "so want to get-"  "Oh my god Beatrix and Aphrodite" we looked around trying to find the source and see a blonde girl running towards us  "it's been so long" Lucy giggles  "oh hi Lucy" Bea gave her a fake smile 

Lucy the most popular girl in our course back then Beatrix hated her with a passion, Lucy isn't the typical mean popular she was actually really nice but Beatrix thinks she is faking all that nice attitude to get attention  "How have you guys been" she asked giving us a big smile  "good, you" I asked and Bea gave me a side glare  "good, I came out shopping cause my boyfriend gave me his card and he told me to get a nice dress cause we were attending a party soon, how about you ladies what are you doing" she tilts her head  

"we were just getting some dress to feel pretty" Bea lied  "oh is Girls Day out today huh" she chuckled  "yeah" I smiled awkwardly  "well we have to get going her sister is waiting for us back at home" Bea lied again and I am glad she did cause I was starting to feel uncomfortable  "oh alright see you ladies soon hopefully" she smiles and waves us goodbye which we both gladly gave back  

"what a bad coincidence" Bea scoffed  "I know right, let's just go I will cook" I laughed at our weird encounter  "alright" she shakes her head in disbelief and we both walked to my car  

Here is Chap 23, I hope you like it I know I skipped a year but it makes it fun for me to write but I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for reading and Love Ya'll <3 

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