𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 9

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                                                                                 ~ 𝓐𝓹𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓮 ~

"Did I make you wait too long?" Aurora looks up at me with her cute smile  "oh no is okay your brothers kept me entertained" I say and look up to Leonardo  "hello amore nice to see you again" he gives me a devilish smile  "h-hi" I stuttered why? he just does something to me

"Hello Leo glad to see you early today" Marcelo say sarcastically  " watch your attitude" Leonardo glares at Marcelo  "Sorry" Marcelo raises his hand stepping back a little. Just then the music starts playing  "may I have this dance, my lady?" Dane reaches his hand out  "tieni le mani a posto lei è mia" (keep your hands to yourself she's mine) Leonardo says, I don't know what he said but Dane immediately retrieve his hand  "my bad I am sorry my lady but I will have to dance with you another time" Dane says and leaves

"Lei ti appartiene? ,da quando" Romeo finally spoke (does she belong to you?, since when)  "none of your business Romeo, adesso vai via" Leonardo glares at both his brother and they just scurried away  "Leo you can't be mean to them" Aurora tugs on his shirt  "I am sorry princess but they were annoying me" he says

"sono una famiglia, non te lo ruberanno" Aurora says (they are family, they won't steal her from you)  "nessuno tocca ciò che è mio" Leonardo replies back and boops her nose (no one touches what's mine)   "umm Aurora would you like to dance with me?" I finally spoke, I was getting bored of hearing them talk in their mother tongue though hearing Leonardo speak in his mother tongue is hot as hell I needed some other entertainment  "oh why not you dance with Leo I am going to go find mama and papa" she says and Leonardo place her down letting her run away leaving me with him alone fuck... I don't know if I can control myself with him

"shall we amore?" he says and reaches his hand  "ye-yeah sure" I take his hand and allow him to lead me  "you look beautiful" he compliments  "oh um thank you, you don't look too bad yourself" I smiled. We are now on the dance floor with a couple few more people, he wraps his hand around my waist sending shivers down my spine fuck my legs are getting weak just by his touch  "is something bothering love?" he whispers to my ear and I feel my face heat up immediately  "no I'm okay" I land my free hand on his chest pushing him slightly away from my face hoping it would do me some good 

"Leonardo" I call out for him  "call me Leo cara" he says and we continue to sway around the dance floor  "ok um Leo let's go have a drink instead I am getting tired" I lied, my legs were too weak he was the only source of support right now "Leo I don't think I feel good" I say starting to feel my head spin  "amore how much did you drink?" he ask sounding a bit worried  "I just drank one cup I can usually take more than that" I say trying to make sure I don't sound weak right now  "here let me carry you" he say  "no is okay Leo I just need to li-" the last thing I see was Leo before everything went dark


"l'hai drogata?" I asked losing my patience with my brothers (did you drug her) "no I didn't" Dane says and one by one they replied the same thing "then who the fuck did?" I shouted "look Leo you know we wouldn't do anything like to any one" Marcelo says hoping I would calm down but I am really losing my patience with these idiots "I want three of you to go find out who drugged her or I will bring hell to you" I point at every one of them and they just nodded and left

"cosa è successo figlio" my mom walks in "some one drugged Aphrodite and I want to know who did no one comes in or out of this place until I find who it is" I say and I see Aurora peaking "Aurora you shouldn't ease drop" I say and my mom looks back "oh principessa let's go, your brother have some work to do" my mom say and carries Aurora out "is she going to be okay Leo?" Aurora ask "she will be principessa, I will let you know when she is awake okay?" I say and she just nodded and left with my mom

"Boss I think we found who did it" one of my man come in with Dane following him "who did it" I get up walking over to him "one of the waiter he says he was sent by her ex or something" Dane says following me to the basement "her ex?" I ask "he said something about her ex paying him to kidnap her" he say opening the door for me revealing the man that drugged my girl

"so you were the one that drug my lady?" I asked pissed at this point "I was told to do so please just let me go I promise I won't say anything I will move as far away as possible if you want just let me go" he begs "I will consider once you tell me why you did what you did" I dragged a chair sitting in front of him "ok her ex paid me to kidnap her and hurt her but the man never told me the reason to exactly why, he just told me to do as told and paid me a ton of cash, so I followed her for days and never get the chance to until today but failed, look I am sorry man I was just doing my job" he uttered

"so you are saying her ex did this?" I questioned "yes" was all he said before begging again for his life "alright alright, you do not speak a word about this and tell her ex that she is well protected so do let your dear boss know to never go near her again" I say and ask Dane to let him go

"Dane make sure he doesn't speak a word of this to anyone have someone follow him around and if he start acting weird kill him" I say once I got out of the room "sure, you should go check on her Romeo says she is awake and she is really out of it" he says and going to his duty

"how are you feeling?" I say walking in to my room which is where she is laying in "what happened" she asked looking back an forth between me and Romeo "I think I should let my brother handle this I will go grab a cup of water for you" Romeo announce and left "what happened Leo?" she whispers since her throat is probably feeling dry right now

"Aphrodite you were drugged" I say and her eyes went wide "what do you mean how, why by who" she ask waiting for my answer "your ex paid a guy to kidnap and hurt you" I finally spat


Here is chapter 9 I hope you guys like it, this story will be going a little fast so if you didn't like the fast pace I am sorry anyways do let me know what you think and where else you would like me to improve thank you for reading love ya'll <3 and also all the Italian are google translated if I got anything wrong I apologize

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