(The Mary Janes arc) Part 2

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Y/n and I made our way back home after MJ's practice, we make our way inside and found Aunt May in the living room.

May: "How was practice?"

Y/n: "It was great, felt like I was in a Green Day rehearsal"

Peter: "We're gonna head up, May. Just gonna do, school stuff"

May: "Alright then, break a leg!"

Y/n: *mutter* "I hope not"

Heading up the stairs, we make our way to our room before tossing our bags to the corner and crashing to bed, face first.

Peter: *muffled* "How do we start investigating MJ's situation? It's gonna take a while to hack into the net with the whole Ultron situation"

Y/n: *muffled* "Well, Tony did hack into the Pentagon on a dare"

Peter: *sit up* "You're saying we should hack into the Pentagon?"

Y/n; *sit up* "Why not? I mean, he did it. Why can't we?"

Peter: "But hacking into the Pentagon is gonna take forever on my own"

Y/n: "What if you're not 'alone'?"

Peter: "Since when did you know anything about hacking?"

Y/n: "It's just typing on a computer, how hard could it be?"

Peter: "Alright..."

(A few minutes later...)

Y/n: "Holy shit!"

Not even 5 minutes in Y/n slammed his head keyboard in frustration. 

Peter: "I told you it wasn't easy"

Y/n: "I know...this firewall is no joke"

Peter: *looks over* "That's a scratch program"

Y/n: "Oh motherfu-"

Female robotic voice: "You know if your goal is to hack into the internet. I could easily do it"

Peter: "What? Who said that?"

Y/n: "Oh right, you already accessed the internet before"

Feminine robotic voice: "Indeed"

Peter: "Y/n? What the hell was that?"

Y/n: "Oh, it's just one of my many side projects"

Y/n then did something on his computer before turning it towards me. Once I got a clear view of Y/n's monitor and showed a blue digitalized conscious on his computer with an acronym of D.A.R.C. 

Peter: "Dark?"

Y/n: "It's pronounced Darcy. Defense And Reconnaissance Companion. D.A.R.C for short"

Peter: "Wow...so you made this?"

Y/n: "No, HE did"

Peter: "Huh?"

Y/n: "I just gave him all the tools he could use to recreate himself and voila!"

Peter: "Wait, him?"

Y/n: "Yeah...I haven't told this to anyone, but you remember a few days ago when an entire city was held hostage by a psychotic A.I?"

Peter: "Yeah...?"

Y/n then looked over his computer before right back at me.

Peter: "No..."

Y/n: "Yeah..."

Peter: "I mean no, as in that's a terrible idea"

Y/n: "Why not?"

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