(Wilson Fisk arc) Part 3

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Morning has arrived at Queens, sunlight peers through the Parker residence window and into Y/n and Peter's shared room. The light slowly made its way to Y/n's bed, climbing from the edge of his bed up to his sleeping face as it stops directly into his eyes.

Y/n: *groan* "Fucking sun..."

With his web-shooters still on his wrist, Y/n shot a web over his eyes, covering it from the incoming sunlight as he went back to sleep. Only for his alarm on his phone to start blaring loud harmonics to try and wake him up.

Y/n: "Really, phone? You too?"

Y/n tore the web from his face and went over to his nightstand to turn off his phone, only for him to be surprised when he read the time displayed on the clock.

Y/n: "Oh crap, I'm late!"

Y/n threw his blanket off before quickly going to his closet to grab something to wear, grabbing any piece of clothing that he finds. He absentmindedly puts it on before running to their bathroom and washing his face before brushing his teeth.

Once everything was set, he then ran down the stairs before sliding into the kitchen where he was met by Peter sitting casually by the dinner table as Aunt May cooks by the stove.

May: "Well, look who's up?"

Y/n: "Yeah, sorry. Just...The bed was having a hard time letting me go"

May: "Well then plant your but on a seat by the table, the food's almost ready"

Y/n: "Thanks, Aunt May"

May went back to her pan as I took a seat next to Peter.

Y/n: "Mind telling me why you didn't wake me up today?"

Peter: "It's the weekends, I thought you'd like to take the day off"

Y/n: "Weekends, already? Time sure flies"

Peter: "It's also important to take care of yourself rather than just swing around like a zombie all day"

Y/n: "Zombies? Is that what we call all the insomniacs now?"

Peter raised an eyebrow at Y/n who sighs exasperatedly as he tilts back on his chair.

Y/n: "I just find it hard to take a break with all the shit that's been going on"

Y/n was then slapped at the back of his head, leading him to plop back his chair to the ground as he rubbed the back of the head. He looks to the side to see May with a plate of food in hand before placing it on the table.

May: *stern* "Y/n, what did we say about swearing at the dinner table?"

Y/n: "Sorry, May"

May: "And stop slouching around all day, lighten up!"

Y/n: *scoff* "I guess, you're right"

May then took her place by the table as she along with Peter and Y/n began eating, utensils clattering the plates as the Parkers and Y/n L/n all enjoy their time with one another with the tv acting as background noise to their mealtime.

The TV then broadcasts a live feed of Wilson Fisk giving a speech as he unveils another project in his cause to rebuild Manhattan to its former glory, starting with Hell's Kitchen. The family trio looked over the TV, May looked intrigued by Fisk's cause as Y/n bites his tongue and look away agitated.

May: "Oh! Another project, You know we need more people like him. Willing to help people in times of need"

Y/n: *mutter* "Guy's a two-faced wannabe saint that's what he is"

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