(Wilson Fisk arc) Part 9

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In the dimly lit apartment, Y/n is seen laying down on the couch unconscious as a lady with straight black hair and wearing a sweater and leggings. The woman was treating Y/n's injuries, sewing up his cuts, and treating the severe bruise he had on his chest.

The woman treats the bruise with a packet of frozen vegetables as she sews up the last of Y/n's wound located on his side. With one last tug, Y/n groaned in his sleep before dozing off again as the woman snips the surgical thread and began putting away her surgical kit.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Matt is seen without his headgear opening a refrigerator, feeling his way through its contents. He goes through every item, feeling some Tupperware containers along with some leftover Chinese food. He then went to the shelf over at the fridge door and grabbed a bottle of alcohol before taking a sip. 

Matt then exit the kitchen and walked back into the living room where the woman had just finished putting away the last of her tools. 

Matt: "Thanks again for doing this, Claire"

Woman: "No worries..."

Claire: "

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Claire: "...Although a call in advance would be great"

Matt: "Well, I don't exactly have pockets made in the suit"

Claire: "At least this kid found a way, even saved his life" 

The woman, known as Claire Temple, a nurse at the Metro-General hospital and frequent healer to Daredevil. Matt and Claire looked over at Y/n who is sound asleep in his underwear, only wearing his mask to hide his identity.

Claire: "Although, if you keep bringing me some beautiful specimens like him I'll let it slide"

Matt: "Careful, He's 16"

Claire: "Ooohh, too young for me" 

Matt took a sip of his drink before taking a seat near a small table with Claire accompanying him as they oversee Y/n's recovery. 

Claire: "Mind telling me why a teenager is joining your crusade in Hell's kitchen"

Matt: "Well if we're talking technicalities, He's been doing this for far longer than I've been" 

Claire: "Wait, you mean?"

Matt: "He's THE Spider-man"

Claire: "You're kidding! I thought he's just a kid playing hero" 

Matt: "No, he's the real deal" 

Claire: "So you think the rumor is true? About the rumor about him being from, you know?"

Matt; "Well why don't you ask him?"

Y/n's eyes began to flutter open as he groans awake, Y/n blinked rapidly, trying to get rid of his blurry vision. Once his vision cleared up, Y/n quickly noticed an unfamiliar ceiling of the apartment. Confused, Y/n went to look around and quickly noticed the lack of light in the room but he manages to catch the sight of some used cotton along with a first aid kit nearby. 

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