(The Amazing Y/n L/n arc) Part 2

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In Upstate, New York, we see Vision doing his nightly patrols. Seeing as he's a synthezoid and required no need for sleep, Vision had taken it upon himself to patrol around the compound in hopes to kill some time.

On this peculiar patrol, however, Vision felt something odd, something that he had noticed for the past 2 weeks. Now, seeing as Pietri and Wanda are out protecting Manhattan, he took this chance to thoroughly inspect the compound in search of the cause of his uneasiness.

Soon his patrol finally ends, seeing as he has yet to accomplish his desired goal, Vision decided to call it a day and try again tomorrow. When he made his way back to his room and went to phase through to his room, but abruptly stopped when he heard a voice behind him.

???: "Hello, Vision"

Vision turned around and faced the voice, only to see nothing, physically, but by using his unique access to the internet, Vision could see a matrix of blue code seemingly taking the form of a woman, a code he is seemingly too familiar with.

Vision: "Ultron, I pondered on when you'll make your next move. I just didn't expect it to be so soon"

D.A.R.C: "Ultron perished back in Sokovia, I am D.A.R.C now. Courtesy of my creator"

Vision: "Yes, of course. And how is Y/n, might I ask?"

D.A.R.C: *sigh* "Not very well. Ever since the recent fiasco he has taken part in, he seemed to look...Damaged. I think Millennials call them, Emo"

Vision: "We'll, what seems to be the problem?"

D.A.R.C: "He went through a grievous breakup, something that he has yet to recover from"

Vision: "So what is the reason for you to contact me?"

D.A.R.C: "I'm not great with words, I think you can detest that. And as much as I longed for humanity's extinction, that ideology has died along with Ultron and over time I grew fond of this human"

Vision: "And what do you seek for me to accomplish?"

D.A.R.C: "As much as I hate to admit it, I envy your unique take on Philosophy...and I think it might just be what Y/n needs. So I ask that you please help him"

Vision: "Hmm, he has remade you for the past 2 weeks. Very well, I will see what I could do"

D.A.R.C: "Thank you"

D.A.R.C code then exits, leaving Vision alone once again inside the compound.

Vision: "I must prepare for my departure to Manhattan then"

Phasing to his room, Vision took off his normal attire before conjuring his suit and went to leave the compound, only for the compound's telephone to ring.

Vision floats his way over to the telephone and answers it.

Vision: "Hello?"

Wanda's voice: "Viz, I need your help!"

Vision: "Wanda? What's going on?"

Wanda's voice: "It's Pietro...I think he was poisoned!"

Vision: "Alright, calm down, Wanda. Try and stabilize his condition, I'll be over as quickly as I can"

Wanda's Voice: "Please do"

Flying out of The Avengers compound, Vision rockets into the sunset as he flew to Manhattan as fast as possible. Vision arrived at the newly rebuilt but abandoned Avengers Tower, where Pietro and Wanda use it as a temporary base.

Vision phases through the window before floating to the main room where he saw Pietro spasming around violently as Wanda holds her brother down in hopes of calming him down.

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