(Guy in the chair arc) Part 3

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It was now evening time, every student are now tired due to the Food fight during lunch hours and went straight home. Y/n however, is currently staying in Peter's room as they watch a superhero movie on his computer. 

The movie has just finished it's Epilogue and is now starting to roll the credits, prompting Peter to go over to his computer and shuts it down as Y/n plops down on Peter's bed.

Y/n: "That movie sucks!"

Peter: "What are you talking about? It has some really dramatic plot and good character development, plus those cool action scenes"

Y/n: "Yeah I know the fights are cool and all but it's just not realistic"

Peter: *deadpan* "Dude...It's a superhero movie"

Y/n: "But what kind of superhero has that much time in the course of 24 hours? Does he not have anything else to do? Does he not sleep?"

Peter: "He sleeps sometimes but he usually pulls off multiple all night-ers"

Y/n: "And how the hell is he not dead from sleep deprivation? Plus the fact that he is just practically praise no matter what he does"

Peter: "What happened to you, man? You used to love these shows when we were kids"

Y/n: "Well it's kid of hard to enjoy superhero films when you have a literal superhero right here"

Peter: "Your right...God, what I'd do to be like you"

Y/n: "Don't, trust me this extra responsibility is not worth having superhuman powers. Trust me you have it easy"

Peter *sadden* "I guess you're right"

Y/n and Peter then felt the ground shaking beneath them, confusing both them

Y/n: "We've been feeling this tremor since the movie started. Shouldn't this have pass by now?"

Peter: "I know...this might be different than the other earthquakes"

Y/n: "Who cares? It'll pass in a bit, we just have to wait"

Y/n relaxes further into Peter's bed as he crossed his arms behind his head. Peter then got a notification on his phone, he reaches towards the desk and looks at what the notification says. Peter was notified by a live broadcast as it shows a police force in front of a bank, the ground around it seems to be shaking uncontrollably but Peter was already about to warn Y/n of another reason. 

Peter: "Y/n! A bank in Manhattan is getting robbed!"

Y/n: "Dude, it's 8 o'clock in the evening. I'm tired as shit, plus we have people for that It's called 'The Cops' "

Peter: "There might be people's lives at stake, not just civilians but also the police. You're the only one that can help them, so go be the best hero to the city"

Y/n: "But It's back in Manhattan, we're at Queens. I'm not gonna make it so what's the point?"

Peter: "The fact that you're laying on my bed and I'm about to sleep, so either way you have to leave"

Y/n: *sigh* "Fine, but just because swinging is much faster than taking the bus"

Peter: "Yeah, yeah. And swing by that bank alright?"

Y/n struggled to put his foot through his suit as he gave Peter the bird only receiving a scoff from Peter. Once Y/n had put on his Spider-suit, he gave a two finger salute before jumping out of his window and swinging towards Manhattan.

Peter leaned out of his window as he sees Y/n swing off. Once he was gone, Peter closes his window and walks over to his closet,  he opened it and inside was dozens of green vials along with a hidden white board with dozens of formula with an all capitalized words underlined twice on the top of the white board.

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