(Identity crisis arc) Part 10

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In a fancy restaurant in Washington, Jasper Sitwell is seen walking with Senator Stern as they made their way out and into the sidewalk. 

Stern: "Listen I gotta fly home tonight because of a constituency problem and I gotta Press the flesh"

Jasper: "Any constituent, in particular, Mr. Senator?"

Ster: "Hmm...No, not really. 23...kinda hot, real hot, you know. Wants to be a reporter I think, I don't know. Who even listen at the point"

Jasper: "Doesn't sound like much of a problem to me" 

Stern: "Really? Cause she's killing my back, but this isn't a place to talk about it. *rubs Jasper's pin* That's a nice pin"

Jasper: *smile* "Thank you"

Stern: "Come here"

Senator Stern then initiates a hug with Jasper as he whispers something in his ear.

Stern: *whisper* "Hail HYDRA"

Senator Stern then pulled back and pats Jasper's shoulder one more time before leaving. Once Stern was gone, Jasper's phone began ringing inside his coat pocket. When he pulls his phone out, he saw that he's receiving a phone call from Alexander Pierce, prompting him to look over at two S.H.I.E.L.D agents who are escorting Jasper.

Jasper: "I need a minute, bring the car around"

The agents nodded before leaving Jasper to retrieve their vehicle, once it was clear Jasper answered the call.

Jasper: "Yes, sir?"

???'s voice: "Agent Sitwell, how was lunch? I hear the crabcakes here are delicious"

Jasper: "Who is this?"

???'s voice: "The good-looking guy in the sunglasses in your 10 o'clock"

Jasper then turns to the left but spotted no one.

???'s voice: "Your other 10 o'clock"

Jasper then turns towards the small restaurant a few steps down, and at the outside seats was Sam in a leather jacket and sunglasses holding a glass of ice tea.

Sam's voice: "There you go"

Jasper: "What do you want?"

Sam's voice: "You're gonna go around the corner to your right, there's a grey car, 2 spaces down. You and I are gonna take a ride" 

Jasper: *smug* "And why would I do that?"

Sam's voice: "Because that tie looks really expensive, and I'd hate to mess it up"

A red dot then appeared on Jasper's necktie surprising him as he frantically looked around for the source. seeing no other choice, Jasper decided to comply. 

A quick ride later, Jasper was thrown onto the roof through the access by Steve Rogers.

Steve: "Tell me about Zola's Algorithm"

Jasper: *gets up and fixes glasses* "Never heard of it"

Steve: "What were you doing in The Lemurian Star?"

Jasper: "I threw up, I get seasick"

Steve pressed Jasper for answers as he advances towards him while Jasper backs away until he stopped when he reaches the end of the building. Steve then got up close to Jasper and grabbed him by the collar of his coat and forced him to look straight into his eyes.

Jasper: "Is this little display, meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Cause it's really not your style, Rogers"

Steve: *backs away* "You're right, it's not"

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