(The Mary Janes arc) Part 12

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In a maximum-security cell, complete with reinforced ballistic glass, MJ is seen in a blue jumpsuit with the words "R.A.F.T" printed on the back. She sits on her prison bed hunched over, elbows on her lap as she sighs into her cupped hands.

MJ: *sigh* "What did I do to deserve this?"

MJ runs her hand across her hair before laying down on her bed in frustration, looking up onto the white ceiling as it shines a bright light onto her eyes, forcing her to put an arm over her eyes to block out the light.

Soon a buzzer was heard, taking MJ by surprise as the heavy-duty door begins to part. The door continues to clank before parting fully revealing Peter being escorted by a R.A.F.T security guard.

Peter: "Wow, so this is the R.A.F.T?"

When Peter enters MJ's cell, he was surprised to see the room so spacious. Having a more industrialized look with pipes and metal walls surrounding the room, MJ's cell is on the other side of the room.

Peter looks over at the hole in the wall and spots MJ through the reinforced glass.

MJ: "Peter?"

Peter: "Hey, MJ"

At the sight of her friend, MJ stood up from her bed and ran toward the glass as Peter calmly walks up to her cell

MJ: "Peter, w-what are you doing here?"

Peter: *smile* "I came to see you, why else would I be here for?"

MJ: "You came...to see me?"

Guard: "You got 5 minutes, kid"

The guard then walked out of the room to give the two some privacy. Peter and MJ then stood across from each other, the reinforced glass the only thing separating the two.

MJ: "How did you get here?"

Peter: *shrug* "Turns out, having a connection to Iron Man can have its perks. Part of the reason how I could come and see you, can't say the same for the others though"

MJ: "How are they?"

Peter: "They're doing good, they're taking the arrest surprisingly well"

MJ: "Right...the arrest"

MJ then rubs her elbow nervously as she avoids Peter's eyes.

MJ: "You probably think I'm a criminal now, do you?"

Peter: "Not at all"

MJ's eyes widened in surprise as she whip her head to look at Peter as he gave the kindest smile he can give.

Peter: "In fact, I think the opposite. You're the most kind-hearted person I know"

MJ: "But, with the arrest and all, I thought"

Peter: "To hell with that! I, along with everyone, chose to see the real you. Which reminds me..."

Peter then fixes himself before facing MJ with a solemn expression.

Peter: "In a few days, there will be a trial for you"

MJ: "Trial?"

Peter: "Yep, it'll be in a few days. We'll plead your innocents"

MJ: "Peter...I appreciate the gesture, but it'll all be for nothing. The people here have gathered enough evidence that proves that I did it, how would you oppose those full proof evidence?"

Peter: "Don't worry, we'll make sure they wouldn't be able to use those evidence"

MJ: "Peter, no! You shouldn't tamper with evidence, that's illegal"

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