(Age of Ultron arc) Part 1

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In a snowy forest in Sokovia, Sounds of Mortars land on the snowy soil as Lasers are flying across the forest.

Amidst all of the chaos, an arrow whistle across the forest hitting a HYDRA soldier with a jetpack. Another mortal hits the field as an armored Jeep continued driving, weaving through the countless HYDRA Jetpack soldiers. 

We look close to the jeep and saw Clint and Natasha pushing through enemy lines, with Nat maneuvering around to avoid getting hit while Clint, with his Bow and arrow, does all the hitting. 

As Clint took out another Jetpack soldier, he spots a tower with an RPG about to take them out. Before the soldier could fire the rocket, the soldier was hit with a beam of energy causing him to fall off the tower as Iron man flew next to the jeep before Flying off to take out more towers.

Right as Iron man left, another jeep drives beside Nat and Clint and went to shoot their mounted railgun, but Thor arrives in the nick of time and lands behind the gunner before throwing him off as Clint took care of the driver.

Once the vehicle was taken care of, Thor sets his sights on another tower where soldiers are grouped up and rained laser blast from above. Thor then spins Mjolnir as quickly as he can before tossing it towards the tower, sending him flying toward the group of HYDRA soldiers before knocking them off the tower. 

Jetpack soldiers flew to Thor to try and team up against him, but he nearly kicks the soldiers away as they landed beside him before grabbing another jetpack soldier right out of the air and throwing him to the ground.

Thor then slides down the tower as he grabs a piece of the tower to take out a couple of HYDRA footmen on the ground with him. Another mortar struck near Thor as the sound of a motorcycle engine echos through the forest.

When another HYDRA soldier went to attack Thor, Captain America swoops in with his motorcycle and snatched the soldier away by the foot, dragging him across the dirt road before getting hurled towards another HYDRA footman.

Captain America then increased the throttle on his motorcycle, picking up speed as he grabs his shield from his back and throws it to a tree in front of him as he took a detour around a rock and takes out another footman. 

The shield ricochets off the tree and into another footman, Cap then drove by his shield, quickly picking it up from the air as he used the small incline of land to ramp off back to the leveled ground. 

As he took a sharp left turn, Captain America was immediately met with a tank as rolled up to the forest and immediately spots him, but Thor manages to intercept before the tank could attack. Tipping it over to its front as Iron man flew by and repulsor blast the bottom of the tank, destroying it.

The explosion caused the tank to be sent in the air as The Hulk catches it with his hands before tossing it towards a group of HYDRA Footmen, Hulk then let out a roar before rampaging through another group of HYDRA footmen just as Natasha and Clint arrived at the scene. 

The Jeep then approaches a barricade which forces Natasha to turn the jeep to the side as she and Clint jump over the barricade along with Iron man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk in one epic group shot

The Jeep then approaches a barricade which forces Natasha to turn the jeep to the side as she and Clint jump over the barricade along with Iron man, Captain America, Thor, and Hulk in one epic group shot

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