(Part man, Part Spider, All Cop arc) Part 6

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I swung to the JFK airport under the cover of night as I post on a lamp post and survey the area. Over by the Hanger, I see dozens of Fisk's men by the cargo plane with crates of guns being unloaded from the plane and into pallets before storing inside the trucks.

Y/n: "Looks like the info's legit, better stop this preferably before the cops arrive"

Fisk Goon #1: "Let's move it, people. The shipment at the warehouse has been compromised so we need to move fast before the cops show up"

Fisk Goon #2: "You think one of our guys snitched on us?"

Fisk: Goon #3: "Unlikely, unless he wants a death sentence from the boss. He asks for loyalty above all else"

Fisk Goon #2: "Yeah, you're right. I don't even want to imagine what the boss would do when I snitched"

After taking in their patrol route, I swing over to the hanger and began picking off the guards. I zipped towards the scaffolding and look for a good opportunity to strike, my eyes then landed on a goon just leaning on a pallet of weapons as he was engrossed on his phone, oblivious to his surroundings until another goon slapped the back of his head before walking off.

Fisk Goon #1: "Get back to work"

Fisk Goon #4: *tch* "Who does he think he is, telling me what to do"

The goon pumped his fist back before leaning back to the pallet and going back to his phone. From the scaffolding, I shot a web and hung upside-down, and slowly made my way down towards the goon.

Y/n: "You got games on your phone?"

Fisk Goon #4: *looks back* "What the-!"

Before he could alert the others, I web up his mouth as I climb up my web before webbing up his feet and dangle him up in the air as I wrap him up with my webbing. Once he was dangling on the scaffolding with me, his phone slipped out from his hand, I quickly shot a web to the phone to catch it before yanking it over to my hand.

Y/n: "'Rise of Kingdoms'? Guess I know why you're slacking off. Why do people always choose the Vikings?"

I then slipped his phone in between the webbing before swinging off and zipped to a wall, as I surveyed in another angle. This time my eyes landed on 2 goons standing around a table.

Fisk Goon #2: "What do you think was that?"

Fisk Goon #3: "Probably just Tim on his phone, the guy can't work even if his life depended on it"

Fisk Goon #1: "Hey, how are we with that reroute?"

Fisk Goon #2: "Just finishing up, we should be set before the trucks arrive"

Fisk Goon #1: "Good, I'll go check on the others"

Fisk Goon #3: "You got it"

Once the goon walked away, the two began conversing with each other in secret.

Fisk Goon #2: "Why does he act like he's a surveying officer or something?"

Fisk Goon #3: "Don't know, dude's getting on my nerves sometimes but he does keep people in line"

Fisk Goon #2: "Just wish he wouldn't act out like he has a stick up his ass"

Y/n: *whisper* "Let's see if this trip mine web still works"

Going to my web-shooters and configuring it to my trip mine webs, I aimed it towards one of the goons and shot it to his chest.

Fisk Goon #2: "What the-!?"

When the goon moved around, the sensor picked up on the goon in front of him, pulling the two together before getting wrapped around in a web and crashing into the table.

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