(The Mary Janes arc) Part 7

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The front door opens as a feminine voice raised its complaints. The cheery mood was quickly whisked away as everyone looked over at who entered the apartment MJ's smile fell as she immediately recognized the voice being her one and only sister. 

Gayle Watson

Gayle: "First I find this place is still a shithole as it was before, now I find it with filled with a bunch of nobodies"

Gloria: "I'm sorry, what did she just say?"

Gayle: *notices MJ* "And I see you're still the same pathetic MJ as ever"

Gwen: "Hey, who the hell do you think you are!? Barging in here and thinking you could just berate us out of nowhere"

MJ: "Everyone, you might've remembered me telling you about her"

Peter: "Wait, that's-"

MJ: *nods* "That's my sister, Gayle Watson"

Gayle: *scoff* "Glad you could still remember in that airhead of yours"

Y/n: "Well, at least we know who isn't daddy's favorite"

Gayle: "And just who the hell do you think you are?"

Y/n: "Just a guy who nearly got himself killed"

Y/n then carefully pushes himself up to sit and face Gayle.

Y/n: "And I'd appreciate it if you would stop berating my friends"

Gayle: "You must be the misfit of the group, I should've figured"

Y/n: "You got a problem with me?"

Gayle: *scoff* "I don't have time to deal with you"

MJ: "And what are you here for, sister?"

Gayle: "I'm here to grab something from my room, and don't ever call me that again"

???: "Hey, what's taking so long?"

Another pair of heavy footsteps make their way up the stairs, when they arrived in front of the apartment, Peter's eyes widened as he saw Timothy standing behind Gayle.

Timothy: "You said it'll only be for a second, I have somewhere else I need to go"

Gayle: "Hold your horses, I'm going already!"

As Gayle walked deeper into the apartment to her room, Peter couldn't stop staring at Timothy. He then recalls the previous night, everything that he saw back at the junkyard. 

He continued to stare at Timothy, which soon causes him to take notice with an irritated expression.

Timothy: "What are you looking at?"

Surprisingly, Peter reels back but MJ quickly went to his defense.

MJ: "Leave him out of this"

Timothy: "I wasn't talking to you"

Timothy then walks into the living room and stares Peter down, causing Peter to grip onto the end of his shirt tightly.

Timothy: "You know it's impolite to stare"

Y/n: "Really? I thought you were just hallucinating that since you're off your meds"

Timothy then makes his way over and came close to Y/n's face.

Timothy: "You better chose your next words carefully, boy"

Y/n: "Or what? You'll scare me with your 90's greaser motif? You got a butterfly comb in your pocket too or something?"

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