二十六 - 26

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If you asked me to list a single thing that I loved about you, it would be impossible

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If you asked me to list a single thing that I loved about you, it would be impossible. Let's start out with the negatives then- sometimes you become a massive jerk to me and I can't really figure out why. You make me want to see you and then you push me away.

You're a cruel man, toying with someone's heart so easily. You're scary when you're mad, and when you cry I want to cry with you. I want you to be happy, yet you don't wish that for yourself.

I love the way that your smile spreads on your face- it lights up and your eyes close, and it's so cute that sometimes I have to hold myself back from pinching your cheeks. You should smile more often.

I love the way that you occasionally murmur in your sleep and then embrace me with such an innocent expression on your face. You seem so vulnerable in your dreams that I almost don't want anyone else to see it, because they would fall in love too. When I tried to walk away on the first night we shared, you groggily reached out and pulled me back into bed, saying 'just a few more minutes.' We ended up sleeping for several more hours.

I love the way that whenever you walk beside me, you always look back to make sure that I'm watching you. Of course, I preferred when you held my hand... but you did that around fifty percent of the time. You're always so caring and considerate, even to those you've just met.

I love the way that you're shrewd. Casually making jabs at the people around you when they don't notice- it's all very childish, yet very cute. You're fun to tease as well, having banter with you is always entertaining. Never a moment goes by when I am bored so long as I am by your side. When you tease me, it can be frustrating, but overall I would say it's become endearing to me. Thank you for laughing at my jokes even when they aren't funny, yet also jabbing at them subtly in later conversations.

I love the way that you hold my hand. Sometimes you hold my hand quite tenderly and other times you almost forcibly lock our fingers together. (I like both of them) Whenever you hold my hand, it feels really warm- it makes me wish that we could stay that way forever. It feels like our hands were made for each other due to how easily we can interlock them, it makes me happy to think that our hands were made for the purpose of each other- it's quite cheesy.

I love the way that you call my name. It gives me butterflies every time without fail, I don't think that I can ever get used to it. You say it with such tender care every time, even in all sorts of situations. Hearing my name coming from your lips makes me feel like the most special girl in Teyvat. I wish that I could listen to you say my name all day.

I love the way that you get flustered so easily. It's quite humorous that despite your tough exterior you get so easily embarrassed! I'll never get used to you blushing, it's so cute that I feel my heart do somersaults~ while that could be interpreted as quite cynical, I can ensure that I only say that with the purest of intentions. The way that your ears turn red and then it spreads so quickly to your cheeks is adorable.

I love the way that you laugh- although I guess that explanation is pretty similar to the one about your smile, huh.

Should I keep listing these? Thoma's sitting by me and he just asked what I'm writing. Should I tell him that I'm writing this sort of letter to you? I think it would make him sad. Well, I suppose that I should write the segment that is my feelings, rather than just an endless list.

Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for taking me to all these places and making my last days worthwhile. Thank you for becoming the man that I love most (sparing my father). I'm sorry if I couldn't communicate it super well. I'm sorry if I wasn't a competent enough partner at times. I know that I'm weak, and I'm not especially intelligent either, but I would hope that I was proficient enough to please you. I love you. I love you so much.

I know that I can be short-tempered and quite pretentious. I don't blame you if you eventually got sort of tired from it, I would too. But even with all of that, I hope you know that I was the most true to myself whenever I was talking with you, and I hope it would be the same vice versa. We've both had rough patches, that's to be sure. I'm so proud of you for getting through everything, and for accepting your mother's death. That's truly all that I wished for before I go away.

This love cannot be beat by anything, I'll tell you that for sure! I could spend days listing the things I love about you, if the paragraphs above didn't prove that already, so don't be sad when I go, you idiot. I'll always love you, no matter where I am- because you're irreplaceable, Mr. Kamisato. We'll meet again, I'm sure. Why? Because I said so!

With Love,

Shimoda (Y/n)

The end.

Jk, unless?

I hope you guys enjoyed the book so far as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have many plans for the future. Thank you for 260+ followers as well, really abt to make me cry and shi smh.


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