21 - Sozin's Comet, Part 4: (Y/n) and Avatar Aang

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(Author's Note: Y'all... Lets... Let's just clap it up. CLAP IT UP CUZ WE HERE NOW! WE HERE! We in dis! Before we end this, I'd just like to take a moment to thank y'all for reading through everything! You guys have been awesome! But enough talking from me. Let's finish this! WOOOO!!!)

3rd P.O.V.

This child really thought he was going to defeat him.
The Phoenix King! He was unstoppable, even for this pathetic excuse of an Avatar.

Despite the boy's worthlessness, Ozai has to admit.
This was fun. He was having a wonderful time!
He'd trapped the little booger in a tight ball of dirt as he shot curved fire blasts toward it with his right and then left hand.

"Come on out Avatar! You can't hide in there forever!" Ozai had shouted with glee as he sent a strong, continuous stream of fire. Meanwhile, inside the rock ball, Aang shivered.

At a time like this.
Being completely surrounded by fire.
Baked in a small confined space.

Something was wrong. Not necessarily in his situation, though he was in grave danger as he desperately shield his body from the ongoing attacks awaiting him outside.


Something was wrong.
With his friends.
Something had happened.

Aang could feel it.
It squeezed his heart tight with an iron grip.
He almost couldn't breathe from such immense pressure.

What had happened?

Red flags.
They could feel it.
They all could feel them.
Coursing through their veins.

Zuko groaned in agony as he lay motionless on the ground. Katara gasped and ran toward him, a water glove around her hand ready to heal. Azula shot a dangerous blast right in front of her.

And in that moment, all three of them felt... dread.
As though a piece of them had died. And it wasn't because Zuko got shot, or that Katara had his crazy sister to deal with, or even that Azula's sanity now was questionable.


Something had happened. At that moment, somewhere in the world. But it was only for a moment. The fire cleared from the waterbender to reveal Azula, who laughed hysterically and charged up another deadly lightning blast.

Katara ducked from the attack and ran off quickly.
The Fire Nation prince attempted to get up only to fall limp to the ground once more. He stretched a hand out helplessly.

Katara ran around the perimeter of the plaza, narrowly missing Azula's lighting. She somersaulted away from the impact. Turning back to the princess, she watched as Azula firebent herself onto the roof.
The crazed woman began to turn in a quick circle, charging up with lightning.

"So this why my brother brought you instead of (Y/n), hmm? I'd really rather our family physician look after little Zuzu if you don't mind!" She shouted before laying down on the roof and shooting the powerful bolt out.

A stream of water blocked the lightning. Azula stood back up and sent 2 blasts of fire with a crazed wicked grin. Katara ran and hid behind a pillar, narrowly missing the attacks again. She cringed as fire whizzed past her.

She opened her eyes and stood up, narrowing her body against the pillar before peeking around it.
"Zuzu, you don't look so good!" Azula mocked as Katara glanced at him.

He was still motionless on the ground. She needed to get to him. Katara looked back up to the roof just as Azula charged up and sent out another bolt.

The waterbender ran to hide behind another pillar as the lightning made contact with the previous pillar.
With a look of determination, she turned away.

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