19 - The Siege of the North, Part 1

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Reader's P

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Reader's P.O.V.

It was about a few weeks you've been under Admiral Zhao's command.

He had conducted an entire fleet of soldiers to storm the Northern Water Tribe. When you did get there, all of the ships lined up, forming a front to keep everyone in the Water Tribe at bay.

There would be no escape for any of them.
You stayed in the room given to you on the ship all day. Fireballs were shooting everywhere towards the water tribe and they were fighting back.

But then... it was still.
What happened?! Did the Fire Nation win already?
A knock on your door.

You allowed them access and Zuko closed the door behind him. You get up and hugged him.

"Zuko... what's going on?" You asked as you leaned back from the hug, but not out of his arms.
"They've stopped their attack for now. The moon is about to rise. The waterbenders draw their power from the moon and it is nearly full tonight. Zhao wants to wait and resume the attack at daybreak."

You nod.
"Uncle is supposed to meet me on the lower outside deck."
"I'll come to see you off too." You said, hugging onto Zuko's neck.

He nodded and the two of you part.
He left your room and resumed his act of a soldier.

-Three weeks earlier -

There was one of those days when you and Iroh were walking down a hallway together. A soldier walked towards the two of you from the other side.

He tapped his thigh twice, then once, then three times.

That is Zuko's way of telling you it's him.
You had almost called one of the soldiers 'Zuko' until the real prince stopped you.

He knew it was hard for you to recognize him in a mask unlike his Uncle (hence why he was much more comfortable with you knowing BS without you knowing BS).

He had told you those specific taps would be him.
The three of you stopped and began to whisper amongst each other.
"The plan is working perfectly sir. Admiral Zhao doesn't suspect a thing."

Zuko took off his mask.
"You didn't have to do this. Neither of you..."
"No nephew of mine is going to stow away on a ship without some backup!"
"You're my friend Zuko. I'd never let you do this alone."
"Thank you, Uncle. (Y/n)."

You heard a sound nearby.
"Guys! Someone's coming!"
Zuko reattached his mask and Iroh spoke.
"Stay hidden until we get to the North Pole and the Avatar will be yours! Good luck!"
You nod to him and continue on.

- Now -

You followed Iroh quickly to a lower level secluded area of the ship. Iroh opened a door and you both slip inside.

There Zuko was, dressed in warmer plain grey clothes, preparing a canoe to be lowered into the water.

"If you're fishing for an octopus, my nephew, you need a tightly woven net or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape."
"I don't need your wisdom right now, Uncle."

"I'm sorry, I just nag you because, well, ever since I lost my son..."
Iroh looked away, pain evident on his face.
You place a hand on Iroh's shoulder and he held it.

"General Iroh..."
"Uncle, you don't have to say it."
"... I think of you as my own."

You glanced at Zuko with sad eyes.
"Zuko... You are my best friend and I'd be devastated if you were to die... again. So please... please be safe..."

Zuko nodded.
"I know."

He bowed and saluted his Uncle and you with his arm over chest.
"We'll meet again..."

Iroh rushed forward and gave him a bear hug.
You joined in too.
Zuko gently pushed both of you off him after a moment and walked over to the canoe.

"...after I have the Avatar."
He climbed into the canoe and lowered it to the water.
"Remember your Breathe of Fire! It could save your life out there!"

"I will."
"And put your hood up! I added extra heating herbs that should keep your ears warm!"
"I'll be fine (Y/n)."

You stood next to Iroh, really worried for Zuko's safety more than ever before now.
"Come (Y/n). We must not stay here long. We have to go now." Iroh said.

You nod but keep your eyes on Zuko's rowing figure.
"Please... Please come back to me Zuko..." You whisper.

Author's Note: HA HA! You thought it was finna be longer didn't you?! 😂😂😂 No. This is what most likely would happen in the episode. You ain't going with no Zuko to capture no Avatar. Now I know you are much confusion about who's side you're on. Lemme tell you right now: you are on Zuko's side. However, when it comes time to having to fully 'betray' him... HAHAHA!!! Wouldn't you like to know? Welp... KEEP READING!!!

Ending Disclaimer: Should be pretty obvious, but I am not an original creator of A: TLA, and I don't own any of the characters. I also do not own the A: TLA plot. Just changing up the story a bit and giving it a different point of view!

 Just changing up the story a bit and giving it a different point of view!

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