4 - Sokka's Master

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Reader's P

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Reader's P.O.V.

The night was filled with beautiful stars.
But tonight was extra special, for it a meteor shower flew across the sky.

"Wow, this is amazing to watch." Katara said.
You and your friends laid on a makeshift roof that covered Appa together and watched the universe me pass you by. Sokka sighed.

"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are."
Toph shrugged and nonchalantly said,
"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it 1,000 times."

There was a sparkle in the sky as a large meteorite that entered the atmosphere and fell toward the earth. "Oh, man. You've never not seen anything like this." You said as you all sat up, except Toph.

The meteorite, engulfed in a blue fire, whistled through the air and passed over your heads. You turned around and watched as the meteorite crashed in a huge, blue explosion off in the distance, causing you to shield your eyes. Toph stood up in surprise.

Aang, Katara, yourself and Sokka look to each other worriedly. You all hopped onto Appa and flew over to the space rock. There was a town nestled in the mountains, oblivious to the incoming danger.

Katara shouted, "The fire is gonna destroy that town!" You shook your head. "Not if we stop it first!"
Appa landed close to the fire. Aang, Toph, Sokka and you jump off of Appa while Katara slid onto his neck and took his reigns.

"There's a creek over here. I'll bend the water on to the fire." Katara whipped Appa's reigns and flew off.
Aang turned to Toph and you.

"Toph, let's make a trench to keep the fire from coming any closer. (Y/n), go on the other side and keep the fire from flying toward the town." The three of you nodded before running toward the meteor.

Sokka dejectedly stood there.
"What should I do?!"

Toph and Aang turned back to Sokka, forgetting he was there. However, you ran past them and yelled out, "Keep an eye on Momo!"

Momo flew to Sokka and landed on his head.

"So what, I'm just a lemur-sitter?!" He said annoyed before petting Momo's head. "There, there. Feel better?"

Aang and Toph ran toward the fire, swinging their arms down to cut a fissure through the ground in front. They raised their hands, then flung their arms to both sides, bending the fissure into a trench and pushing the fire back.

Meanwhile, you ran to the other side of the rock and shot air blasts at any fires that started to form away from the meter.

Aang had taught you a few moves, seeing that you were a fast learner. You waved yet another flame away, but they started to come closer to you. You leaped up high into the air and took a deep breath.

Then, you blew out as hard as you could onto the fire, successfully putting it out for now.

Flaming embers fell around Sokka and he  frantically stomped one out with his club while Momo stomped out the rest and jumped back on Sokka's shoulders.
Sokka looked back to see all the other fires put out and gave Momo a sour expression.

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