EPILOGUE: The Time Traveler

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You guys im cryin its the epilogue aka the end! Me and Alex are so thankful for all the reads you have no idea ok. Here is the e p i l o g u e! ik ik im cryin still -Brit


After the graduation ceremony, the now graduates, dispersed in all directions, and family members were pouring into the field. I looked around, looking for my family and friends. After walking around, I began to get worried. Our teachers had warned us about losing our families right after the graduation.

"REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD!" I heard a voice sing loudly. I turned around, and saw Niall standing there, with open arms. My eyes lit up and I threw my arms around him, giving him a hug before anyone else. This time I knew for sure that Harry wasn't jealous... plus, I owed Niall a great big hug.

I looked around, and saw my parents standing behind them. The other boys stood with their hoods up, and hands in their pockets.

Of course, I hugged my parents. They raised me, didn't they?

I saw Harry standing next to Sofia, with a bouquet of roses. "Congratulations, babe." He said, handing the flowers. I smiled at him, and gave him a big hug, as well. He lifted my feet off the ground a bit and was sure to be gentle when he put me down. I'm sure he noticed the shoes I was wearing weren't shoes I was used to wearing.

I gave a hug to all of the boys, and Paul and Lou and Lux. Lux smiled as I took her from Lou's arms. In the time I spent in L.A, I had become one of her favorite people; Harry and I would constantly argue over her.

I figured we needed to get out of the field as soon as possible, as more and more people passed by. Sooner or later someone would notice One Direction was on the field. We were at a high school after all, and high school included teenage girls. The rest is history.

In all honesty, I was glad to leave. The dog days are over.

We made our way to my house, and decided to have a small celebration, since the boys were in town.

It was all but Harry's first time going to my house, and Sofia was practically pissing herself when she pulled me aside and whisper-shrieked: "THEY KNOW WHERE I LIVE."

Our guests were socializing in the living room, while Harry and I were talking with my parents in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Sofia entertained the boys and Paul and Lux and Lou in the living room. I’m sure she was more than happy doing so.

“It was nice seeing all those people getting cars!” I said, resting my chin on my fist. Harry nodded in agreement. I bet he found this all so cute.

My father and mother looked at each other, and I caught her nodding her head. Something was going on.

“We get it.” She said.

“Get what?” I had no clue what they "got".

“Well, we got it. We get that you want a car.....and we got you one. As your graduation present.” My father said.

“DAD!” I shrieked. "MOM!"

“We think you deserve it. And when you’re in London you won’t have either one of our cars to borrow when you need to go somewhere.” My dad continued.

“Plus, we didn’t want you taking cabs everywhere.” My mom said, shaking her head.

Harry wrapped an arm around my waist, and pulled me close to his side.

“It’s at my flat. So don’t expect to be driving it tomorrow.” He told me.

“At your flat?!" I whined.

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