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I HURRIED INTO the shower to clean up, while Ava fixed herself, since she got dishevelled from our spur of the moment sexy time. My body felt revived-ready to take on the world, as my hips and shoulders swayed under the cascading water.
I saw Ava enter the bathroom through the fogginess of the glass wall and bit down on my bottom lip, as her eyes travelled over my figure. The water plummeting onto my body made the sound of her voice unclear.
"Huh?" I slid the glass door and popped my head out.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm showering," I took one last moment under the warm water, not bothering to close the glass door. Turning the knob to stop the water from running, I stretched my back muscles and stepped onto the cold tile of the bathroom floor.
"Fuck, you're hot," Ava muttered, as she ran her tongue over the surface of her upper lip, making me notice that her lips were painted red. I quirked a brow, as I grabbed my towel and began to pat my skin dry.
"You had on lipstick while you were eating me?" I questioned, making her shake her head.
"No, love, I was waiting to give you a wake up kiss before doing so, turns out I kissed more than I thought I would," she grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.
I let out a chuckle, before wrapping the towel around my body and stepping closer to her. Placing my arms around her neck, I leaned my forehead against hers and sighed.
"I love you, you know that, right?" Her warmth enveloped my body, as she placed her hands on my waist.
"I do, and I love you too, Kylie," she whispered, before leaning forward and placing a kiss on my forehead.
"Wanna go for round two? I'm pretty sure you're wet enough for me to quench my thirst," she blushed and slapped my upper arm.
"Go get dressed, you were supposed to be done five minutes ago," I rolled my eyes, as I walked into the bedroom and she followed me.
"I got distracted, okay?" I groaned, as I walked over to my dresser and opened a drawer. Noticing folded underwear made me press my lips together. Mom probably organized my stuff while I was away.
"Hurry up, love, else your mom will come barging through the door," she warned, but I could care less.
"I'm only going to take a few more minutes," I whined, as I picked out a pair of black lace panties and its matching bra.
"Are you two ready yet?" I heard Grandpa call and I swallowed.
"Don't come in!" I yelled, as I quickly slipped my panties through my legs and up my waist, and bra through my arms, before hooking it.
"I'm not! But hurry, we're about to leave!" I hurried to my closet and scrambled the first dress that I spotted from the railing.
I removed the dress from the hanger, pulled it over my head, through my arms and down to my upper thighs, "Ava, can you zip this up for me?"
"Of course, love," she did as requested, and I sighed, as I headed over to the dresser for my hair brush. Combing my hair, I headed back into the closet, grabbed a pair of nude heels, before placing the brush down on a shelf and slipping each side into the corresponding foot.
I walked back out fully clothed and spotted Ava sitting on the bed, slipping on her black stilettos. Damn, she always looks sexy in those. I took a deep breath, as I grabbed my perfume from the dresser, and sprayed it a few times over my body.
"Can you spray some of that on me?" She asked and I walked over to her in compliance. Pressing my lips together, I sprayed it multiple times over her chest, before placing a kiss on her forehead. I wanted to kiss her lips, but they were painted and I didn't want to risk smudging it, "no makeup?" I shook my head and she chuckled, "I don't even know why I asked," I frowned and stretched my hand out for her to take, but she gave me an exasperated sigh, "Kylie, I don't want you to meet my parents," I swallowed and arched my brow.
"I've already met them, babe," she looked into my eyes and shook her head.
"I meant to say that I don't want them to know... about us... not yet. I think we should give it some time, get ourselves settled... be more prepared," I took a deep breath and exhaled in contemplation. Feeling a heaviness inside of my chest, I couldn't help but think that she was ashamed of me.
"Are you ashamed of me?" She immediately shook her head and I rested the perfume bottle onto the bed. Placing her hands in mine, she intertwined our fingers and pressed her lips against the back of my palms one after the other.
"You mean everything to me, Kylie. I'm not ashamed of you, my love, but I don't think it's a good idea to make such a drastic decision, especially when it comes to people finding out about us so soon. I don't trust my family to keep their mouths shut, maybe I just don't trust myself from being able to finally tell someone, because I may spiral out of control and tell everyone about you, since I am so proud to be yours. I want you, Kylie, I need you, I crave for you. I wish I could tell everyone about my love for you, but for now, let's keep our relationship status out of that town."
I sighed and nodded, making a smile form on her lips. She let out the breath that she'd been holding, placed one final kiss on my right hand's wrist, before letting go and getting up.
I knew that she was right. I just wanted to be a part of her in a deeper way, but that wasn't the way to do it. It was stupid of me to think that us confronting her parents together would help much. She was a mature adult, one who was independent and strong. I just wished that there was more I could have done to help her with the pain.
"What about Natalie?" She smiled, but I knew that she was hiding how she truly felt about it.
"Let's not discuss that right now, love. Let's just get through tonight and tomorrow," I nodded, knowing not to push the subject.
* * *
"YOU SLOW POKES are going to make me late for my own rehearsal dinner," mom shoved her purse into Brian's hand and ran her fingers through her hair.
I pressed my lips together and walked over to her, noticing that she was having an anxiety attack, "mom, everything is going to be okay," I placed my hand on her shoulder in comfort. She looked at me and sighed. Inhaling deeply, and slowly exhaling, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into her.
"I'm sorry, baby, you know me. Let's hit the road before we're actually late for this thing," she leaned back and looked at Brian with an apologetic smile.
"Sweetheart, is there anything I can do for you to ease the frustration?" Brian questioned worriedly and gave her a soothing rub to the shoulder.
I stepped back, allowing the two to conversate and gave my grandfather a nod, which he returned. Ava walked behind me, wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her chin on my shoulder. I smiled at the gesture and felt a jittery feeling inside of my chest, but it soon faded away, as she grazed her lips against my neck.
"You're going to smudge your lipstick if you continue," I informed, making her exhale a warm breath against the back of my neck. My entire body shuddered at the feeling and I swallowed hard.
"Your reaction is worth it," she whispered huskily into my ear, before pulling me closer to her.
I heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see my grandfather with widened eyes, mom with a quirked brow and Brian looking elsewhere, pretending to mind his own business.
"Can you two give it a rest for a few hours? Damn, you make me feel like I have to give you the safe sex lecture," my eyes then widened and Ava stepped away from me.
"That's not needed, Miss Reese, I can assure you that we practice safe sex," Ava assured confidently, making both mom and I laugh.
I looked at Ava and there was a frown on her beautiful face, "I'm sorry, but it's too funny," I gave her a sheepish grin and puppy dog eyes.
"Kylie, I'm trying to be serious here. Your mom should know that it's in my best interest that you're comfortable and well taken care of," I pouted my lips, as I felt warmth rush through my veins.
"You're so sweet," I wanted to tackle her to the floor and smother her with love bites.
"That's good to know, Ava. I'm glad that Kylie has found someone who cares for her that much," mom smiled.
"Do you have everything, sweetheart? We should get going now," Brian dangled his keys and mom nodded. The night was long, but having Ava with me made it easy to get through, even with all the nosy friends and family.
* * *
MY MOM WALKED down the aisle with elegance and ease. As I stood next to the other bridesmaids, waiting for her to reach the head of the aisle, I looked over to Brian. The smile on his face never faltered and when she placed her hand in his, the entire room brightened.
Looking at Ava, I knew that someday she would have been the perfect bride for me. I didn't mind calling her mine for the rest of my life.
The reception came along quickly after. We watched Brian and mom conquer the dance floor with their first dance. And it brought joy to be heart that she'd gotten her happy ending.
"Dance with me," I pulled Ava onto the dance floor. Her smile was so infectious as we danced. I'd never been a good dancer, but I didn't care. Having the chance to do anything with Ava was worth a few stumbles and falls.
She fitted so perfectly in my arms.
I couldn't remember a time when I'd been so happy on a constant basis. Both my mom and I were finally getting our happily ever afters. Brian was hers, and Ava was mine.
* * *
THE YEAR ENDED in the blink of the eye. Emily avoided any contact with me, apparently, her brother's coming out made her see the error in her ways. Ava and I found the perfect apartment to move into, and we'd told her parents about our relationship. To sum it up, they highly disapproved.
It placed a heavy weight onto our relationship, but they were coming around. Mrs. Reese had finally settled down, and didn't actually stop Ava from seeing her little sister.
Natalie was actually visiting us for the summer, and she'd made us take her to Coney Island too many times to count.
"I love you both," Natalie whispered, as we tucked her into bed. She was a mini version of Ava. And she managed to always make me happy too.
"We love you too," I kissed her forehead and grabbed her favorite story book from the nightstand. Ava wrapped her arm around my shoulder, as I read the story to them both. She'd kiss my shoulder ever so often when I'd imitate a character's voice. It made them both laugh. Midnight was curled up under the nightstand, probably listening to the story as well.
I knew that everything that happened to me didn't define who I was. I wasn't damaged, and no longer a child of abuse. My past didn't break me and make me unlovable. I was scarred, that's for sure. But aren't we all in different ways?


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