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The plane ride to New York wasn't as exhausting as I thought it would be, especially since I had Ava next to me the entire time. Grandpa made sure to book a seat a few rows away from us, probably suspecting that we would be a little too flirtatious with each other, and didn't want to be the third wheel.
The airport was in a different town, with people we didn't know, so we got the chance to be affectionate with each other, without the fright of getting in trouble, but still I was on my guard.
After exiting the aircraft and going through the procedures at JFK, we were in a taxi, heading toward Manhattan.
Grandpa sat in the front seat with the driver, while Ava and I sat next to each other in the back.
"The city's so beautiful at night," she whispered against my ear, her eyes piercing through the car's window.
"Not as beautiful as you," I whispered back, making her avert her eyes to look into mine.
Her interview was scheduled in three days, one day before mom's wedding. I had to take her, since she knew nothing about getting around in the city.
"You're going to take me to Time Square, right?" I nodded, assuring her once more. She had already asked if I would and I agreed, but she was so excited that she kept on asking.
"I'll take you to Chinatown, and leave you stranded there."
She nudged my shoulder, before whispering in my ear, "you would never do that, you'd miss my pussy too much."
I smirked and whispered back to her, "I'll just find another," she gasped and roughly shoved my arm, before scooting away from me.
"Fucking asshole," she grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest.
"Ava, I was just fucking with you," she didn't answer and just looked through the window. I sighed and closed my eyes, a little frustrated that she was angry with me for something so insignificant.
Her mother was against her leaving town to attend my mother's wedding. Even though she didn't know about our relationship or the job interview, I knew Ava's mother had it out for my grandfather and mother, since they were on Ava's side when she came out. Her father was less concerned about it, but was still hesitant because of his wife's objections.
Ava only told them out of courtesy and because she couldn't leave without informing her little sister. Plus, she needed Natalie to take care of Midnight while she was gone. Her mother started an argument about it with her, which resulted in her storming out of their house and coming home crying to me. I didn't know what happened exactly, but she was a bit shaken up about it ever since and her mood changed often because of minor things.
I stretched my hand over to hers, and intertwined our fingers. She didn't stop me, neither did she acknowledge it, "Ava..." I scooted closer to her and placed my other hand on her thigh, "babe..." I leaned my lips against her ear, so that my breath would touch her cheek, "you're my one and only, I love you," the car came to a stop.
Backing away from her, I opened the door and got out of the car, before stretching my back muscles. Grandpa came out of the car, along with the taxi driver, who headed to the trunk and opened it.
Ava came out shortly after and looked at me, as I grabbed our suitcases and placed them on the pavement.
"Kylie, I missed you so much," mom squealed, rushing over to us. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my forehead.
"You've never missed me so much before, what's up?" She rolled her eyes and looked at Ava, who was walking toward us.
"Miss Blanckaert, it's nice to see you again," Ava smiled.
"Don't be so formal with me, honey. Jaclyn is fine," mom then pulled her in for a hug, "okay, come on, let's get inside. Brian is making us dinner," she wiggled her eyebrows.
* * *
THE ELEVATOR RIDE was filled with silence. As we entered mom's condo, Brian immediately popped out of the kitchen, "Kylie, it's so great to see you," he greeted, walking toward me, "and this must be Ava," he stretched his hand out for Ava to take.
"Nice to meet you," Ava smiled brightly.
"Donald, you haven't aged a bit," my grandfather patted him on his shoulder and stepped further into the condo.
"I don't think I can say the same for you," he responded.
"Honey, go check on dinner," Brian nodded and headed off into the kitchen.
"Kylie, you and Ava will stay in your room, of course, need help taking your things there?" I shook my head, as I picked up both of our large suitcases and Ava picked up the two small ones.
Only one of the small suitcases was mine. Ava packed heavy, "next time we're taking a trip together, you can only pack one suitcase," I placed them in front of my bedroom door.
She scoffed, as I opened the door and placed them inside, "you've got an entire room filled with your things," she walked in, before resting the suitcases in her hand down by the bed, "nice room, by the way."
"Welcome to my sanctuary," I moved the suitcases beside the closet and walked over to her.
"Your sanctuary? It sounds like a nerd's domain," I rolled my eyes and took a seat on my bed.
"Whatever," I muttered and threw my back against the bed sheet, "so where do you want me to take you first? The Statue of Liberty? Central Park? Rockefeller Centre? Coney Island? The Museum of Modern Art? New York Botanical Gardens?"
"Okay, hold your horses, your list doesn't seem to want to end. Did you memorize all of these places?" I pressed my lips together and she shot me a look.
"I might have googled places, I just don't know where you would want to go."
"Okay, we'll decide as we go along, no need to plan what we have to do, let's just do," I turned on my side to look at her.
"So, Time Square then?" She nodded and leaned forward to kiss my lips.
"And we'll take it from there."
"Okay, you two lovebirds, dinner is ready," mom called, making me groan. My hand had somehow found its way sneaking beneath Ava's shirt and I gave a sheepish grin, as I retracted it.
"And when I thought I was the horn dog," she humoured, before she sat up.
"I have needs too," I defended, as she got up from the bed.
"Yeah, so? Everyone has needs, doesn't mean they will be fulfilled," I scoffed and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Why are you being so mean to me? You love sex," she shook her head and rolled her eyes.
"You make it seem like I'm the only one who has desires when you're the one sitting there wanting to fuck me," she yelled unexpectedly, "I'm just tired and jet-lagged, and I just want to eat and go to bed."
"So, sex is a problem now? You could have just said no, you didn't need to make a big, fucking dramatic scene. It's not my fault that you're in a bad mood all the time."
She shot me a glare and stormed out of the room, without saying another word. I sighed and got up as well, knowing that I was a bit too harsh to her. She was going through shit and I should have been more understanding.
I walked out of my room, and into the living room to see that she was already seated at the dining table with everyone else. I took a seat as well and looked at my mother who wore a questioning look on her face, probably wondering what the tension was all about.
"So Kylie, how is school?" Brian asked, as he passed the bowl of salad to mom.
"It's fine, I have a great teacher," I looked at Ava, but her eyes were fixated on her phone.
"I see, that's um... great," he cleared his throat, "we've never bonded much over the few years that I've been with your mom, and now that we're finally getting married, I was thinking that we should get to know each other a little better?"
"And what are your intentions here?" My grandfather asked sternly. I guessed that he got a bit more overprotective after finding out everything.
"She'll be my daughter... I mean step-daughter," Brian spoke calmly.
"Dad, he just wants to get to know Kylie," mom defended her fiancè.
"Yeah, right," my grandfather mumbled and shook his head. I looked at Ava to see that she was looking at me as well. I knew that she didn't want to be there either.
"Brian, dinner's great, but I promised Ava that I would take her to see Times Square," I got up from my seat.
"But you haven't even eaten anything," mom argued, as I walked over to Ava, as she got up as well, "and it's very late."
"We'll grab something on our way and now is the best time to roam, we'll be okay," I hurried into my room, along with Ava, to pick up my wallet, phone and her purse, before heading back out the room and toward the door.
"Here," a bunch of keys dangled in front of me, "you almost forgot these," I grabbed them from her.
"Thanks, mom, don't wait up for us," I waved, before opening the door and rushing out.

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