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I let out a high-pitched moan, which made me immediately place my hand over my mouth, "what are you doing?" I whispered, my skin feeling as though it was on fire.
"You seem to like it," I pressed my lips together, as she grazed her tongue along my collarbone. I gripped the fabric of the bed sheet, as my back arched off of the bed.
"Please," I panted, "I'm not ready," she then placed a kiss on the side of my neck, before getting up from the bed.
"I'm sorry, I got a bit carried away," she mumbled, as she walked over to the bean bag chair and took a seat.
"I just can't have sex with you yet," I took a deep breath and dropped my eyes from hers.
"I wasn't even thinking about that, but you do know that lesbian sex is different, right?" My eyes met hers and I nodded, "do you know what it feels like to be eaten?" She questioned.
She got back up from the chair and kneeled in front of me, as I sat on the bed, "no, do you?" She shook her head.
"Want to go for a test drive?" My eyes widened, as she stood up again and pulled down the zipper of her pencil skirt. The fabric pooled to the floor and revealed her black lace underwear. I bit down on my bottom lip, as my eyes lingered there for far too long, "like what you see?" I inhaled deeply, as she walked closer to me. Her smooth thighs making my heart skip a beat.
"I... uhh...mm."
"Don't worry, I promise not to touch you... below the waist that is," she sexily placed her knees on the bed and began to unbutton her blouse, slowly revealing her cleavage. I swallowed, as she slipped it off of her shoulders...

My eyes shot open, as I felt sweat covering my entire face, "are you okay?" I heard someone whisper next to me. It was my mother. I wondered why she was up so early.
"Yeah," I lifted myself up with my elbows, "where is Ava?" I swallowed, as visions from my dream ran through my mind.
"She's downstairs helping your grandfather prepare breakfast," I yawned, "what time do you have to head to school?"
"Um, around 10:00," mom nodded, as she sat up on the bed.
"It surprises me that you slept next to Ava last night," I pressed my lips together, as I sat up.
"I know, that's a good sign, right?" She nodded.
"It's great actually, I don't want to imagine what you two were doing though," mom scrunched up her nose.
"Since when are you a prude?" I mocked, making her eyes widen.
"So something did happen?" She asked excitedly, taking a seat back on the bed next to me.
"Um, no?" I responded, not convincingly.
"Ohhh, tell me," she grinned widely.
"Nothing happened, mom," I groaned, as I picked up a pillow and placed it over my face.
"Something did happen. I'm your mother, I have the right to know," she pulled the pillow away from my face.
"She was sitting on my..."
"Okay, and?" She interrupted, too excited to listen to my slow speaking pace.
"...stomach and she had an orgasm," mom furrowed her brows.
"Okay, so that's it?"
"It was unexpected, she didn't intend to."
"Who doesn't intend to have an orgasm?" She wiggled her eyebrows, "if you can make a girl orgasm by such little friction, imagine what you can actually do," I felt my cheeks heat up.
"I regret telling you," I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest.
"But please tell me there was some lip to lip action," I hit her with the pillow.
"You are so inappropriate!" I yelled, as she fell onto the bed.
"Am not!" She yelled back, making me get up and walk out the room. I skipped down the stairs and headed straight for the kitchen, where Ava and my grandfather were making breakfast.
"Good morning, Kay, you seem quite adrenalized," he chuckled, as he picked up a few things from the pantry.
"I'm going to pick up some of my things after school, so I will be back a little late," Ava said with a bit of sadness in her voice, as she peeled an onion.
"Would you like me to help?" I asked, as I raided the cupboard for a snack.
"I don't think that's a good idea, I don't want my parents to get the wrong idea," I pressed my lips together and sighed.
"I can come along too," I heard mom say, "nothing suspicious about a middle-aged woman with moving boxes," she joked.
"I'm just going to pick up a few personal items, I can't be borrowing Kylie's clothes all the time," she looked at me.
My grandfather cleared his throat, "you too need to be careful. Though Kylie is eighteen, there are laws against teachers having relationships with their students."
"You seem to have done your research grandpa," I forced smile, as I closed a cupboard.
"I'm just looking out for the two of you. I don't want either of you to get into trouble," he looked at me and then to Ava, "also, you both know it would cause damage to both sides if the authorities were to find out," guilt pooled inside of my stomach, "not only penalties for Ava but also for you, Kay, you could lose your chances at an Ivy League school."
"I agree with your grandfather, Kylie, it's only in your best interests," I nodded, looking down at the floor. I was more concerned about Ava and worried little about myself. Having a relationship with me could have made her possibly lose her teaching license and there was a chance of jail time.
"I have to get ready for school," I walked out of the kitchen. I headed up the stairs and into my room, before closing the door behind me. I leaned against the door and slid to the floor, before wrapping my arms around my knees.
Tears began to stream down my face, as I thought of all the dangers that I could cause. Is it worth the risk? I asked myself, not being able to answer the question. Ava had made her way into my life and my thoughts over the short period of time that I was staying with my grandfather.
I couldn't imagine my future without her. My heart ached, as I thought of letting her go, realizing that I couldn't. I placed my trust in her, and she never broke it, not even when I was completely naked and she could have made a move on me. I leaned my head against the door and let out a deep breath, "it's time," I told myself, as a few more tears slipped down my cheeks, "time to let go of the past," my chest heaved up and down, "that will be the start of a good future," I mumbled, before getting up and walking over to my phone, which was on the nightstand.
I unlocked it and scrolled through my contacts, before finding the person that I was looking for. My half-brother was a sweet kid, and was a year younger than me. My father had him with one of his many mistresses, or at least that was what I figured from the information that I received.
I sent him one last message, explaining my reasons for doing what I was about to do, before I blocked him and deleted his number. It was time to sever ties with the person who kept me updated about someone who I wanted to forget. I placed the phone back down, before plopping down on the bed.
My cheeks were still wet and eyes were a bit saggy, but I knew what I had to do if I wanted my relationship with Ava to work-an undefined relationship that is.
I heard a knock on the door and went to open it without asking who it was, "are you okay?" She asked, as I allowed her to walk into my room.
"Yeah, just got a bit overwhelmed," she placed her hands on my shoulders, before pulling me in for a kiss.
"I don't want us to end," she leaned her forehead against mine.
"Me neither," I whispered, as I wrapped my arms around her neck.
"What are we going to do then?" She pulled me even closer.
"I... I think I should..." she placed her finger over my lips.
"No, I won't have it," she pressed her lips softly against mine, "I won't let you go," she whispered against my lips.
"I was trying to say that I should graduate early," I chuckled at the fact that she thought I was about to say otherwise.
"How so?" I dropped my hands from being hooked around her neck and gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose.
"Sit and I will explain," taking a seat on my bed, Ava followed my lead.
"Okay so..."
"How many credits does a student need to graduate?" I questioned, not sure if the school I was attending was the same as the one I attended before.
"Twenty-one," I nodded and felt a tinge of relief.
"I have twenty-nine already, and Literature would make it thirty."
"How did you manage so much?"
"Summer classes, extra classes, a lot of classes," adrenaline rushed through my body, "the deadline for early graduation is November 1, I checked it up a while ago but I..." I paused.
"I don't want to go to law school," I let out a deep breath.
"You don't?" I lowered my gaze and sighed.
"I don't want to be a lawyer, it's not what I'm passionate about," I whispered.
"You don't need to follow in your family's footsteps, cutie," she placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled, "you can do anything if you put your mind to it, but you can't be happy with something you're not passionate about."
"I love writing, but mom wouldn't approve."
"It's not what your mother wants, no disrespect, but as I said already, do what makes you happy."
"I guess you're right," I mumbled, as I fiddled with my fingers.
"Your writing is amazing, I'm your Literature teacher after all," she nudged my arm.
"Is it?" I raised my eyes to meet hers.
"Yes, wonderful and beautiful, just like you," I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
"I'll leave you to think about it on your own, but it's sweet of you to want to graduate early for us to be together," she bit down on her bottom lip, before pulling me into her.
"Do you think that I was destined to come here?" I questioned, as she leaned backward against the bed frame with my head against her chest.
"To this town?" I nodded, "I don't know, Kylie, but I do know that you didn't have to, you could have graduated already back in the city."
"That's true, but I was uncertain about my future, so I prolonged the situation with Literature."
"So you're taking Literature just because you're too afraid to tell your mother that you don't want to be a lawyer?"
"I want to go to college," I whispered, "but I want to study only English," she ran her fingers through my hair.
"Are you sure you want to graduate early?" I pressed my lips together and nodded, "don't do anything for me, think about if it is right for you, okay?"
"Think about it, by February next year, we can openly be together," that thought frightened me a bit. Am I taking the relationship too far, too quick? We were still undefined.
"That sounds amazing," she whispered, "but enough thinking about that and get ready for school, you need to consult the principal about this early graduation," I frowned, as she slid from behind me and off of the bed, "we'll have breakfast after we're finished getting ready."
"I miss my pillow," I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.
"You can shower with me if you want," she wiggled her eyebrows, before turning and walking into the bathroom. I jumped off of the bed and almost sprinted behind her. I hoped that she would sponge me down again.

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