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After our shower, I brushed my teeth and we both got dressed for the day. We headed downstairs to grab something for breakfast and the smell of freshly brewed coffee invaded my nostrils.
Grandpa was sitting on a kitchen stool with a coffee cup in one hand and the newspaper in the other.
"Good Morning," Ava greeted, as she walked over to the pot of coffee.
"Morning," my grandfather lowered his glasses, after clearing his throat, "did you girls sleep okay?"
He tried to make conversation, as I walked over to Ava and kissed her cheek, before heading over to the fridge.
"Yeah, it was great," I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water, "amazing," I bit down on my bottom lip and turned, before I winked at her.
Obviously feeling like the third wheel, Grandpa closed his newspaper and got up from his seat, "I have some important stuff to do today, I'll see you girls later."
"Okay," Ava said and I just nodded at him, before he exited the kitchen.
"What do you want for breakfast, baby girl?" Ava asked, as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
"Baby girl?" I furrowed my brows and walked over to her, "I'm not a baby," I pressed the front of my body against her back.
She hummed, before her hand reached and trailed up my jawline, "you are my baby girl," she whispered, making me bite down on my bottom lip, trying to suppress a smile.
"If you say so, bunny," I pulled away from her and walked over to the pantry.
"That sounds quite sexy through your lips," I picked up an apple and looked back at her.
"Obviously, I'm not a sexy beast for nothing," I grinned, as I rinsed the apple by the sink.
I heard the door open and shut and assumed that it was Grandpa, "you're my sexy beast," she smirked, before taking a sip of her coffee.
"Possessive much," I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my apple. As I chewed, I turned the cap for the water bottle to open it.
"Would you like me to make you some pancakes?" I shook my head, as I swallowed.
"I'm not hungry," I answered, before taking another bite of my apple.
"Okay sweetcakes, I'm going to check on Midnight."
"Where is he?"
"Probably curled up under the dining table, can you open a can of cat food for him?" I nodded and she exited the kitchen.
I opened the cupboard that I saw her store Midnight's things in and grabbed a can. Opening it and throwing the lid into the garbage bin, I proceeded to empty the can's contents into Midnight's bowl.
Ava then walked back in with Midnight in her arms, "awe, isn't he adorable," she cooed, before kissing his forehead.
I threw the empty can into the garbage, as she placed Midnight in front of his bowl, "I'll be back to feed you again later, okay?" She rubbed his head with the tips of her fingers, as he munched on his food.
"Okay, baby, I'm heading out now," she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
I bit down on my bottom lip, as she kissed my forehead, "you're not going to kiss me with kitty lips, are you?"
She grinned and pecked the tip of my nose, "maybe, but only if you're a good girl."
"Let me rephrase that, don't kiss me with kitty lips," she frowned and dropped her arms from being wrapped around my neck.
Turning, she headed over to the sink and turned the knob to allow the water to flow. She then cupped her hands together under the running water, before bringing the captured water up to her face and washing her mouth.
After she was finished, she grabbed a paper towel and wiped her face, before walking back over to me, "can I kiss you now?" She grinned, as she ran her tongue along the pinkness of her bottom lip.
"Of course," I placed my hands on her hips and leaned in, allowing our lips to brush against each other, before pressing firmly against the softness of her mouth. Her lips formed a smile against mine, before we parted and she kissed my forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you too," I released my grip on her hips and stepped back.
"We better head out now before we're late for school," I checked the time on my watch, "I'll go first," I nodded, before she pecked my lips one last time.
"See you in class, sweet cheeks."
"Are you going to call me by random nicknames now?" I giggled, making her glare at me.
"I can call you whatever I want, sugar buns," she blew me a kiss, before heading out of the kitchen.
I shook my head and smiled, as I took another sip of water, before resting it down on the kitchen counter. Discarding the remainder of the apple, I grabbed my phone from my backpack, and checked for any messages.
After wasting some time scrolling through my phone, and sending a text to my mother, in which she said that she was busy and would contact me later, I headed out of the kitchen and toward the front door to leave.
As I opened the door and closed it behind me, I spotted Ava through the bars of the estate gate, with her back facing me. She seemed to be talking to someone, though the person wasn't in visible sight.
I walked closer and the guard opened the gate for me, which made Ava turn her attention behind her, giving me a clear view of the person who she was talking to.
"Good morning, Mr. Reese," I clutched the strap of my backpack and swallowed.
"Dad, I just want space, I want to live my life as I please. Don't you think it's time that I take charge of my life?"
"Kylie, don't you think that it's time Ava came home?" Mr. Reese asked, making me bite down on the inside of my cheek.
"Don't involve her in this, this is my life and I am capable of making my own choices," he sighed and rubbed his temples with the pads of his fingers.
"Ava, I don't care if you're gay or straight, I just want you to come home. Your mother might be shocked and against it at the moment, but she will settle down in time. Are you willing to leave Natalie for the sake of proving some point to us?"
"This has nothing to do with Natalie. She's getting older and will understand what I'm doing, and if she doesn't, she's going to have to accept it, just like you have to accept it."
"So, you're going to live with your godfather forever?"
Ava took a deep breath, "not forever, dad, just until I find an apartment," I pressed my lips together and looked at her, not wanting her to go anywhere.
"Fine then, but I'm here, Ava. If you ever want to move back home, the option is always there."
"I know, dad, but I need to gain some independence," he nodded and closed his eyes for a few seconds, before reopening them.
"Do what you will, I have to get to work," he rubbed the back of his neck and turned to his car that was parked on the side of the road, "if you need anything you know where I am."
"I just need some space for now," he walked over to his car, before getting in and driving off.
"Are you okay?" I asked, as I grazed the palm of my hand against hers.
"Yes, baby, let's get to school before we're late," she smiled at me. I smiled back, as we began our journey through the town.
"We've never done this before."
"Walk to school together?" I nodded, as she looked ahead.
"Yeah, it's nice, though I wish I could hold your hand."
"Use that beautiful mind of yours and imagine it," she brushed her shoulder against mine.
I hummed and smiled widely, "we've never discussed the future," I pressed my lips together and sighed, my mind suddenly having thoughts about our life together.
"You're going off to college soon, as for me, I don't know yet," I stuffed my hands into the back pockets of my shorts and cleared my throat.
"So how are we going to make this work?" We looked at each other, and I saw that her eyes were suddenly glossed with sadness.
"I don't know."
"There must be a community college somewhere around so that I can stay close," she abruptly stopped walking and turned to face me, making me stop as well.
"You're not going to give up your future to be with me," I swallowed and felt my heart clenching inside of my chest.
"Community college isn't that bad," she slowly shook her head and lowered her gaze to the ground.
"You can't, we'll find another way."
"I don't know," she let out a deep breath and turned, so that we could continue walking.
"We'll figure it out, right?" She nodded and rubbed the back of her neck.
"Why were you going to go to law school if it wasn't what you wanted?" She questioned, catching me off guard.
"My mom, she doesn't think a Bachelor's in English is good enough."
"Is it good enough for you?" I shrugged and gripped the edges of my back pocket, "do what makes you happy, baby girl, and I don't want to get in the way of that either."
"What are you trying to say?" She sighed and popped her lips.
"I'm not going anywhere, and you need to think about your future first," I pressed my lips together and ran my tongue between them.
"You're more important than anything else," she turned to face me and smiled.
"School should be your number one priority, I can come a solid second," she sank her teeth into her bottom lip and shook her head, "I want you to follow your dreams, and I'll be by your side and in your heart as you fulfill them."
"That's sweet, but I don't know if I can go a day without you."
"Is Kylie Blanckaert getting clingy?" I shoved her shoulder, which made her laughter increase.
"Shut up," I groaned and crossed my arms over my chest.
"You're such a cutie, anyway, baby girl, stop flirting with me, we're at school now."
"I'm not flirting with you."
"Like if," she scoffed and walked ahead of me, "I'll see you in class, Miss Blanckaert," she winked at me, before heading up the steps and through the school doors.
I shook my head and smiled, "damn, that teacher is hot," I turned to see Emily's brother walking toward me. Tension rose to the pit of my stomach, as he stepped closer.
"I thought you said that you're gay," I looked at him in disbelief.
"I am, but that's what all of my friends say all the time," I frowned and gritted my teeth, "I didn't see you in the library."
"Sorry, I got caught up with something else," he nodded, seeming not too fazed about it.
"I'm having a party tonight, would you like to come?" I shook my head.
"Your sister and I aren't on the best of terms, and I don't like parties."
"Yeah, she was bitching about how you got her suspended. Be careful, she's one for revenge."
"I'm leaving soon, so that doesn't bother me much."
"Transferring?" He furrowed his brows in question.
"Early graduation."
"Oh okay, sucks that you won't be here for prom," I placed the palm of my hand over my mouth to cover a yawn.
"As I said, I don't like parties," he gripped the strap of his backpack and nodded, "anyway, I'll see you around I guess," the bell would ring anytime soon.
"Okay," I turned, walked up the concrete steps and into the school building. The hallway was flooded with students, who were by their lockers chatting, or hurrying to their classes.
As I entered Ava's class, a few students were already seated. I didn't acknowledge her presence in front of the class and just headed to my seat. The less eye contact was better to keep suspicions away.

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