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It was Saturday, so Ava and I had the entire weekend to ourselves. I was wide awake before her and watched as she softly stirred in her sleep, her faint breaths and sighs giving my heart a comforting feeling.
The fabric of the bed sheet that covered her torso slipped off of her chest, exposing her breasts. I furrowed my brows, not remembering that she came to bed topless, and stretched over her body and looked down at the floor, where clothing laid. I chuckled, as I sat up and continued to look at her, wondering why she stripped off her clothes while sleeping.
Pulling up the bedding to cover her breasts, she turned and stretched her arm backward, exposing her bare back.
At least she has on underwear. I looked at her ass, her lace underwear not leaving much to my imagination.
My eyes then travelled up her smooth back, tempting me to run my hand along her side, to feel the curve of her body. Just wait till she wakes up. I got up from my bed. Stretching my arms and taking a deep breath, I headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Turning the knob to allow the water to run, I picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste. I opened the cap of the toothpaste and drew a horizontal line across the toothbrush, before closing it.
Sighing, I placed it back into its holder and cupped some water in my left palm, before bringing it up to my face to wash my mouth. I spat out the water, then placed the toothbrush into my mouth.
After I was finished brushing my teeth, I tugged off my pyjama pants and top, along with my underwear, before I hopped into the shower.
The warm water soothed my skin, my hands caressing my body, as I sponged myself down with the soapy washcloth. Rinsing my skin, I turned off the shower and walked out of the bathroom, water dripping off of my body.
"You look yummy," I heard Ava say, as I headed over to my dresser.
"Finally up, I see," I looked at her through the mirror to see that she sat up and the sheet slipped off of her torso again. Pressing my lips together, I forgot the reason why I was at the dresser in the first place.
"You're so sexy when you're naughty," she grinned, as she got up from the bed, the sheet falling completely off of her body.
"I'm not being naughty, I'm just..."
"Checking me out," she cut me off. I shook my head, in an attempt to disagree, as she walked closer to me, her sexy curves on display.
I turned to her, the devious look in her eyes making me know that I was in for a treat. She placed her hand on my wet, exposed waist and pulled me into her, our nipples grazing against each other.
"Someone's pretty bold today," she pressed her knee against my thigh.
"I can be when all of your bits and pieces are on display," her hand slid in between my thighs. I gasped and swallowed, as her fingers continued to roam, "you're so wet for me already," she leaned closer and whispered in my ear.
"At least fuck me on the bed, so that my feet won't hurt so much," I whined, making her let out a chuckle.
She pulled me into her and lightly shoved me onto the bed, so that my back laid against the soft fabric of the bedsheet, "spread those legs for me," she ran her tongue along her bottom lip, as my knees distanced themselves from one another.
She stared at my bare centre for a few moments, then ran her fingers up my smooth thighs, "I love it when your kitty purrs," she growled, making me arch my brow.
"Easy there, tiger," I placed my hand over hers and looked into her eyes, "what's the matter?" She lowered her head and frowned, as a pink tint spread its way across her cheeks.
She backed away from me, allowing me to close my legs, "I'm sorry," she whispered, slipping off of the bed and onto the floor, her back against the bed and her legs tucked under her bottom.
"You're horny, there's nothing to be sorry about," I joked, as I looked at her, her eyes not looking up to meet mine. She propped her face up with her elbows, her chin rested on the palms of her hands, as a heavy sigh escaped her lips, "it's just that your dirty talking caught me off guard."
"Do you even like having sex with me?" I immediately placed my hand on her shoulder.
"Of course I do, can't you tell?" She sighed and turned around to face me.
"I'm sorry," she mumbled again and turned her face away from me.
"Babe, what are you sorry for?" She shook her head, still hesitant to tell me, "it's about sex, I know that for sure," her eyes immediately found mine and she sank her teeth harshly into her bottom lip, "am I doing something wrong? Am I not touching you in the right way? I can do better, I can learn," I muttered, my insecurities revealing.
"It's stupid, just forget about it," she attempted to get up, but I grabbed her face with the palms of my hands.
"Tell me, I want to please you," she gulped, her eyes shimmering with guilt and sadness, "babe, do I even make you cum? Have you been lying to me?" I dropped my hands from her face, becoming agitated.
"No, no, it's not that. You make me cum with only little friction, I just... just..."
"Babe, please," I pleaded, as she pulled herself onto the bed and placed her hands in mine, intertwining our fingers.
"It's really stupid."
"What is?" She inhaled deeply, her nostrils flaring, "what is it that you're so scared to tell me?"
"I don't think it's the right time to bring this up, we're yet to build up to that. I'm so ashamed of myself for the way I just behaved, the dirty talking I mean. I shouldn't be doing things like that."
"For fuck's sake, a little dirty talking isn't going to make me wobble and fall into a corner. I'm perfectly fine," she fumbled with her fingers and lowered her gaze once more, her embarrassment evident, "is it that bad?" I groaned, before taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
"It's nothing. It doesn't matter."
"For starters, if you're going to say that my vagina is ugly, yes, I am going to kick your ass," her eyes widened.
"No, no, of course not. Your vagina is beautiful, very beautiful, it's smooth and I like the texture against my mouth. It's not too big or too small, it's perfect!" She rushed out, making me burst into a fit of laughter.
She looked at me awkwardly and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for me to finish with my outburst.
"That was fucking hilarious," I wiped a fake tear away from my eye and gave her a big smile. She pouted so innocently and softly sniffled, pretending to be offended, "oh, come on, you have to admit that was funny, and I'm glad to know that you think my pussy is so perfect," I grinned and shoved her arm lightly.
"You're mean," I snickered and rubbed my thumb across her pale cheek.
"You look so cute when you're only in your undies and upset, makes me want to jump your bones," her eyes darted up to mine, desire and lust filled her eloquent, grey pools, "is there something that you would like to share with the room? I would fuck you without another word, but I'll let you speak first, it's the adult thing to do, though your eyes are giving me a take me now vibe," she covered her eyes with the palms of her hands and groaned.
She muttered out some incoherent words, before dropping her hands from her face, "it's complicated," she whined, making me shake my head in disapproval.
"For a Literature teacher, not a lot of words are spilling out of your mouth right now."
"It's too fucking difficult, I'll probably freak you out, actually I will definitely freak you out," I rubbed my eyes with the tips of my fingers and yawned, "I'm freaking myself out."
"Okay, I want you to listen to me," she nodded and I continued, "first take a deep breath, relax, don't think so much, just breathe," I smiled, as she did as I told her to, "close your eyes and lay back," I watched as her back hit the bedding and her eyelids were pulled down, "don't open your eyes, just breathe and relax," hovering over her, our thighs against each other, I placed a kiss on her forehead, before running the pad of my thumb over the plump of her top and bottom lips.
Her mouth fell slightly apart and she whispered, "kiss me," I hummed, as I moved my lips closer to hers, allowing my breath to softly brush against her delicate skin.
"First, what is it that you're so afraid to tell me?" She slowly shook her head, being stubborn, "tell me, I promise that I won't be upset," she pouted and opened her eyes, making me sigh, "is it because we don't have a lot of sex? I know that we've only done it a few times."
"That's why I can't tell you, we just started to get intimate with each other and I don't want to ruin our progress," I huffed, getting annoyed again.
"What can be so bad? A threesome? It's too soon for that, but if that's what you want, we can, but later down in the future."
"Oh, fuck no, it's not that... wait, you would consider a threesome?" My eyes widened and I immediately shook my head, "someone wants to add a third."
"Fuck you," I grumbled and she smirked.
"I'm not sharing."
"You're not sharing? Someone's selfish," she frowned.
"You're mine and mine only."
"You're getting possessive again," I rolled my eyes and lifted myself up, so that I was straddling her, my bum on her stomach.
"Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine," she chanted, making me place my hands over her breasts and squeeze. She moaned and her eyes closed.
"I should've known that you would like that," I grumbled, "does it have to do with how we have sex? Like what we do to each other?" She didn't answer, so I knew that I was getting somewhere, "what is it?" I pestered, really wanting to know what she was hiding from me.
"You know how we tease each other?" I nodded and moved my hands off of her breasts, "do you know what is roleplay?" She placed her hands over her face and sighed.
"Roleplay? Is it kinky?"
"Kinda, it's like playing pretend," I thought for a moment, "like we act like different people."
"And it's for sex?" She nodded shyly. I pulled her hands away from her face and instead, cupped her face with my hands, "I don't know exactly what it is about, but you can teach me."
"It's dirty talking and acting," I sank my teeth into my bottom lip.
"Is there a video that I can watch?" She pressed her lips together, before slipping from under me. Grabbing her laptop, she placed it onto the bed and turned it on, before taking a seat next to me.
After typing in her password, and moving the cursor toward the browser icon, she right clicked and waited for the page to start up. She then typed in lesbian role play porn videos, making me hold back a laugh.
"Which one?" I looked at the different links, not knowing which one to choose.
"The first link should be fine, I just want a demonstration," I grinned, making her roll her eyes.
"I'm already regretting this," she mumbled, as she clicked on the link.
"Don't be, I actually like the idea," I kissed her cheek, making her smile.
"I'll choose a video," she stated and clicked on one. As the video loaded, I moved myself onto her lap. She looked at me curiously and I gently pecked her on her lips.
The video began and my eyes were plastered on the screen. I tilted my head to the side, as I watched the girl, in a cheerleading uniform, stroll over to the other, her hips swaying and her skirt so short, that her round ass was visible.
I looked at Ava and her eyes met mine. We both smiled, before our eyes travelled back to the screen. The older woman had her back to the camera, only wearing a bra and what seemed to be a thong. Ava rested her chin on my shoulder, her breath fanning my neck.
"Damn, that's some naughty dirty talking," I chuckled. The woman finally turned and my eyes widened, "that's definitely not a thong," Ava immediately closed the computer, "what is it?" A heavy shade of pink was on her cheeks.
"It's a... a..." She rubbed the back of her neck and stuttered, "that wasn't a good video for us to watch."
"Babe, was that a fake dick?" She shrieked and nodded.
"Why did you close the computer? I want to see," I nudged her arm and she looked surprised.
"Are you sure?" I nodded and opened the computer myself.
"Yeah, are you afraid of it?" I humored, as the video continued.
"Of course not."
"Okay then, I want to watch it."
* * *
"THAT WAS..." I looked at how Ava's cheeks were very flushed, "different."
"I... uhh... yeah, it was," she shyly smiled.
"Did it make you uncomfortable?" She pressed her lips together.
"No, um... maybe."
I lightly pushed her, so that her back would hit the bed sheets, "I thought it was hot," I grinned, before kissing in between her breasts.
"Um... yeah?" My eyes raised to meet hers and I smiled.
"You're so shy for the person who wants to spice things up," I giggled.
"Not necessarily spice things up, I was just curious," she defended, as I clasped my lips around her nipple and gently sucked, "fuck," she mumbled, closing her eyes and placing her hand at the back of my head.
"Did it make you wet?" I asked, releasing her strained nipple. She didn't answer, so I slipped my fingers beneath the fabric of her panties and felt the wetness between her lips, "we should watch videos like that more often," I smirked, as I moved downward.
Pulling her underwear down her legs, she leaned forward to look at me, "what are you doing?"
"I've been a very naughty girl, Miss Reese," I ignored her question, "if I lick your pussy, will you forgive me?" I pouted, as I tugged her undies through her feet and threw it to the side.
"Kylie..." I knew that she wanted it, but she was too scared to indulge in it, so I had to take the lead.
"I let someone else smack my ass, aren't you going to punish me?" I opened my mouth and looked at her, as I leaned toward her hot centre.
"Fuck," she groaned, as my lips touched her dripping heat.
* * *
"THANK YOU," I ran my fingers through her messy, black hair, "that was..."
"Different?" She smiled and placed a kiss on my nose.
"Yeah, you can be a pornstar."
"Oh, thank you, but my talents are only for you, my love," she grinned and placed her hand on my waist.
"You're amazing," I gave her a wink.
"I enjoyed it as much as you did," I kissed her forehead, before slipping away from her.
Standing, I stretched my limbs and walked over to my dresser, "I'm so cold without you," she complained, as I opened a drawer and took out a pair of undies.
"We can't stay naked all day," I informed, slipping my legs through the cotton fabric.
"Who says? It's my day off," she whined and crossed her arms over her chest.
"You can stare at my body while it's covered with clothing," I walked into my closet and picked up the first t-shirt that I laid my eyes on.
"I want to cuddle," I pulled the t-shirt over my head and through my arms.
"We can cuddle when you brush your teeth, shower and get dressed."
"Fine," she grumbled and hopped off of the bed. Her ass bounced, as she stomped her feet into the bathroom. I chuckled, grabbed a pair of leggings and slipped my legs in, before walking into the bathroom as well.
She was brushing her teeth and ignored my presence, so I placed a kiss on her shoulder and walked out. I grabbed my phone from the dresser where it was charging and scrolled through my messages, before seeing that I got one from an unknown number.
I sighed, as I realized that it was my brother. He was persistent when it came to getting in contact with me. I texted him a short reply, telling him that I needed him to stop, before placing my phone down on the bed. I walked over to the dresser to grab the hair brush, as I heard the running of water in the shower and a smile formed on my lips. I could never be lonely when I had such a beautiful woman to share my bed with.
After brushing my hair, I decided to head downstairs and make something for breakfast. I was not very hungry, but I knew Ava needed some energy after the little fun that we had.
I opened the door of our room and closed it behind me, before heading down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Grandpa was nowhere to be seen and I assumed that he must have left early. I guess it was a little awkward for him to have his granddaughter and goddaughter living together and dating.
I sighed, as I grabbed the tray of eggs from the fridge and the packet of bacon, before closing it. Placing the items on the counter, I grabbed a frying pan from the cupboard and rested it on the stove.
I wondered how Ava liked her eggs, something that I was yet to learn about her, which made me realize that there were a lot of things that we still didn't know about each other.
I refilled Midnight's water and emptied a can of cat food inside of his bowl, wondering where he was. I shrugged and went back to cooking.

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