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*Celia's P.O.V*

"What are you doing here?" I asked furiously. Why does this have to happen when Nii-chan's at his lowest. Walking up to Elliott we heard someone call out my name.

"Celia, Jude's asking for his... Oh, hi you must be Elliott Ember, if I'm not mistaken," Dionne said smiling. It really pissed me off how she has to pretend to be nice, even if she hates his guts.

"Um, ya I'm Elliott... You must be Dionne Fraser if I'm not mistaken." She nodded and whispered something into CeCe's ear.

"We gotta go Elliott. Don't tell anyone my brother's here or I'll kill you," Celia threatened looking so serious. She then smiled brightly and told she was just playing around. Scary AF. When the girls and Daniel left, it was only Jude and Elliott left alone. Elliott wanted to go talk to him but was about to walk away instead.

"Elliott wait!" Jude called out. Without a second thought I rushed towards him, full speed and hugged him tight.

"I'm sorry for what those jerks did to you.. I wish I was stronger... I missed you, so much," I said and Jude just chuckled. He then pat my head hugging me back.

"I missed you too~ Ellie~," Jude said with a closed eye smile.

That's when I noticed... Jude didn't have his goggles on or his hair in a ponytail and... Wow he's eyes are magnificent..

"Wow, I could stare at those jewels all day long... Their beautiful why hide them?" I asked gently cupping his face. Jude got flustered and looked away.

"What kind of person gives away a gift idiot?" He whispered but I heard it. I wonder who gave him the goggles but before I could ask a loud voice interupted me and killed the mood.

"Oi, you aren't supposed to be here! Players are only allowed to be on this premises tomorrow!" We heard a guard yell.

'Wait to be a mood killer... Now I might never get my kiss after all..'

"You should go Elliott. You don't want to get kicked off the team now do you?" Jude said remove my hand from his soft, smooth cheek. I pouted at the action. He looked up at me and I looked back.

With a soft smile he said,
"I'll be watching your matches. Don't disappoint me 'Demon of the Pitch',"

*Time skip to dinner*

We were sat around dinning table with everyone giving me a death glare. I didn't give a rat's a$$ about them and just continued daydreaming about my encounter with Jude. But then like the Fun sucker he is, Axel had to have answers.

"Well, where were you Elliott? We been asking for 4 hours!"

"I don't owe you guys anything. Just let me live my life. Why does it matter whether or not I was able to almost come face to face with Judy~?" At those words Axel's eyes went dark and the entire atmosphere got thicker.

"What did you just call him? He's not your 'Judy' brat. Know your place." He said in a stern voice.

Everyone else seemed to be as scared as me while Mr and Mrs Evans tried to calm him down. I glanced over at my friends to see their reaction.

 I glanced over at my friends to see their reaction

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(How Everyone reacted ⬆️)

Then I looked over to Ichihoshi who looked confused, before he suddenly left the room. I was about to follow him but Dusk grabbed my shoulder and dragged me down.

"Where are you going we need answers Elliott Ember."

"I'm going to leave before I get hurt for doing nothing."

"Ya, that's the problem. You've done absolutely nothing." Wanna be Axel (Basil) with a wide grin on his face. I was about to respond when Xavier stood up and punched him in the face.

The two started fight before as always, Coach Travis came in at the right moment, to break up the fight. But what I did not expect was him to call me, Aiden, Caleb and Xavier into another room. We were holding hands as we entered, praying we wouldn't be kicked off the team.

"You boys have a very important mission to complete," Coach said sternly before continuing.

"We need you four to make sure Jude never has any interaction with anyone else from the team. Mr. Sharp asked for you four to his sons company and 'bodyguards' in a way, but if you slip up- "

"If you slip up then all four of you are kicked off the team," Mr. Ye finished.

Hello I come back. As always hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

Why do think those 4 are Jude's bodyguards? Why are they the only ones aloud to see and interact Jude? Does Ichihoshi want to eliminate Jude as well?

*The next chapter will have some texting*

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