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I've been hospitalised for two more weeks, and during that time everyone woke up except for Axel and Jude. The doctors were getting worried, so that's why they told us to try and talk to them, incase that would help. But they still didn't wake up, or so we thought.

Turns out Acker overheard the doctors talking to Jude and Axel, about how they think they should inform us that they are, indeed awake. Acker rushed over to the room, where all the teams were seated, and told us the news. I was the first one out, followed by everyone else.

I burst through the door, receiving very shocked looks from both Axel and Jude. I ran over to Jude and hugged him, same goes to everyone else, but they hugged Axel first seeing as how I wouldn't let go of Jude. He chuckled and tapped my shoulder.

I looked up and got up and got a good look at him. He had bandages all over him, his left arm and right leg were in casts. I looked up to see his face, and was taken aback by his beautiful, out of this world eyes.

"Woah," Kevin one of Jude's friends commented. "Your eyes are beautiful Jude..." Everyone else said in unison. Hearing that Jude blushed, and Axel's mood shifted a little. He looked like he was about to kill someone.

Just then Jude and Axel's fathers walked through. Jude's father took a good look at all of us, and I could feel how tense Jude got. He nudged me to get off him. Standing up I could see him, along with Axel were very frightened.

Axel reached for Jude's hand and held it tight. "Out," were the only words that came out of Axel's father's mouth. Everyone had to drag me out of the room, because I wasn't moving. When we left we could hear faint yelling, and that broke my heart.

The nurses came to escort us back to our rooms. Before our nurse left I asked her. "Are they going to be okay?" She smiled and simply said, that they were just having a disagreement, and that we should not worry. She then bowed and left.

"Do you guys think they'll be okay?" Eddy asked. The room fell into a deep silence, but was soon interupted by the door flying open. "Elliott, Acker, come on we got to go!" It was David who had a foot cast, being supported by Jo who had an arm braise.

Without thinking twice we both leaped out of bed, and rushed to Jude and Axel's shared room. By some miracle, I don't know how, nobody saw us, not even the head nurse.

We waited near the room so that we wouldn't get caught. As soon as their fathers left we walked over to the open door. And there they were, Jude was sitting on Axel's lap his face on his chest, while Axel stroked his hair. (His hair was down btw) David and Joseph walked into the room, and casually sat next to them.

When they saw that we weren't following, Joseph dragged us over, and forcefully sat us down. I looked over at Jude who now had red puffed eyes. I then glanced over at Axel for an explanation. He sighed and with a calm, but heartbroken voice said.

"Jude's father is forcing him to leave the country, to go to the states... And that means, by the end of the month (which is in two weeks)... Jude won't be around, and he won't be able to play soccer anymore..."


Hope you enjoyed. What do Elliott's going to do? Will Jude and Axel breakup? What will the others think? How does Axel feel about this?

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