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*Elliott's P.O.V*

I was getting more pissed by the second, and Celia's babbling wasn't helping. "Would you shut up I'm trying to ease drop!" I yelled gaining the attention of many bystanders. "Well. Someone's very peppy today. Come on Elliott we're supposed to be having fun, live a little would ya."

"Why don't you just piss off and go bother someone else."

"No can do. The team asked me to make sure, you don't go on a mad rampage whenever Axel-nee is near you, or Nii-chan."

'Axel-nee!? What the heck!?'

"Oi are you listening to me!? Elliott you better not be ignoring me!" She yelled pulling my hair. This girl is a mad man. I should probably stop giving her a reason to beat me up.

"Hey guys I'm back and I-" Acker said cutting himself off. "Celia!? What are you doing, there are people here!" Celia just continued beating my head. Acker then tried separating us, but had to ask for backup from... Axel, since Jude had his hands full.

"Celia let go of Elliott. People are going to call the cops," Jude said as he lightly hit the back of her head. "Your too hard on her you know that Jude?"

"Well if I don't keep her in check, no one will... Besides I'm her old brother, so it's either she listens me or I take away her allowance. Simple."

"Mean Nii-chan!!" She said hugging her brother's arm. "Oh what do we have here. Did you buy my brother some new gifts, but didn't think to get me anything?"

"You didn't say you wanted anything the next we met up CeCe."

"Ya well if I knew you were going to do this, I would've asked!" Her statement made Jude chuckle, which in turn made Axel kiss him on the cheek. Seeing this people stopped to ask them questions. Very... Inappropriate questions.

Such as, are you two gay?
Why are you two doing inappropriate things Infront of our children?
Do you parents know you gay?
You do know you'll go to H*ll, right?
Aren't you boys ashamed?
Is the platinum blonde only with you, because he feels sorry for you?
Why are with someone as ugly as him?

The last questions got me, Celia and Acker boiling up with anger. I gave Acker a side glance, indicating for him to go call the others. He dashed away, while Celia and I tried to separate the crowds of people.

'Great now they've separated the two... How am I going to find Jude?' I thought pushing past people. Why are there so many people at the park today. I could hear Celia, trying to get her crowd of people away from Axel, but I couldn't find Jude.

Then I spotted him back agenst a tree, his goggles where nowhere in site, and him head was bleeding a bit. I could see someone was about to hit him. I wanted to run, but I pushed to the ground unable to get up. There's nothing I can do now, was the only thought in my mind in that moment.

Then I felt two people lift me up. It was Caleb and the stupid Xavier. "What are you two doing here?" I asked freeing myself from their grips. "Trying to help idiot! No come o-" and that was it my whole world came down. Jude was lying on the ground his head bleeding, along with Acker who was also unconscious.

I dropped to my knees, watching the only people I've let in lay there unable to move, while getting kicked, and beaten. Caleb made a mad dash, followed by a few others, such as the Royal, Kirkwood, Zeus, Shawn and Aiden's and Polestar members. This was getting out of hand really fast.

I glanced over to Celia's situation, and it her's seemed worse than mine. She along with Axel where there unconscious, Kirkwood, Alia, Jack Wallsides's team, Shawn and Aiden's and Marks team, were trying their best to defuse the situation.

Why. Why, was this happening? Why did have to happen? I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek. "Idiot! Our friends are getting beaten and you sit there, idol! Get off your ass and help us!!" Xavier said dragging me to help. But I was not prepared for what happened next.


What will happen next? Will they be able to get them out of there, and will they be able to get them help? What will happen when their parents find out?

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